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Use adminer as multi database management app (phpmysqladmin alternative)

Published Nov 13, 2017Last updated May 11, 2018
Use adminer as multi database management app (phpmysqladmin alternative)

I am pretty sure that many of us who have experienced on using database system must have used some kind of database management application. Some maybe use native apps, while the others use web apps. Two popular of them are SequelPro and phpMyAdmin.

Recently I give Adminer a try, after searching alternative for phpMyAdmin and MySQL Workbench. Adminer is multi database management software in a single php file. Wow, cool. Ok, without further ado, I will share the steps I use to setup Adminer for managing MySQL and SQLite.

In my setup, I use Laravel Valet, but you can use other setup whether using apache or plain nginx (by the way, Valet depends on nginx). As shown on below figure, for Valet to work, I created adminer directory and then public directory inside it. After that, I created plugins directory to store Adminer plugins. The index.php was placed at public dir as entry file. Using default Valet config, we can then access Adminer at

Adminer folder structure

The first step is to download the adminer php file here. I have chosen the English only version. I saved it at public dir. Secondly, I downloaded the main plugin file plugin.php and saved at plugins dir. This file is needed if we need to extend the capability of Adminer. Thirdly, I downloaded login-sqlite.php because I'd like to be able to manage SQLite3 database, and then saved it at plugins dir. Finally, I created the entry file ie index.php. You can look at the contents of index.php at this gist. It is self-explanatory.

Having done all the above steps, by using Valet, I can access Adminer at http:// Below are the login window screeenshots. Enyoy ^_^!

MySQL login

Sqlite3 login

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