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How I learned FullStack WordPress with WP-API

Published Apr 02, 2018Last updated Apr 03, 2018

About me

Hi, I'm a web developer that currently works with React, WordPress, GraphQL, and plenty of other technologies.

Why I wanted to learn FullStack WordPress with WP-API

I believe you can use WordPress w/ the WP-API and utilize w/e front-end your heart desires. So I learned how to use all the technologies involved to create a dynamic and static website that's detached from WordPress.

How I approached learning FullStack WordPress with WP-API

Use prexisting solutions such as Gatsby js or Apollo client with React, Netlify, and Wordpress.

Challenges I faced

Dynamic data vs static data. When to use something that needs to be built statically or something that needs updates via the server or real-time.

Key takeaways

Static and Dynamic sites can coexist and utilize the best features of each other.

Tips and advice

Also know which site or application needs static content vs dynamic content or if the site needs a mix of the 2.

Final thoughts and next steps

The stack is always increasing or decreasing in size depending on what technologies will be useful tomorrow. Just keep your head out of water.

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