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Tired of Bootstrap? Try Bulma(Play)

Published May 13, 2019Last updated Feb 26, 2021
Tired of Bootstrap? Try Bulma(Play)

Hello Coders,
For newcomers, Bulma CSS It is one of the first CSS frameworks to have implemented a full-fledged flexbox grid. Except this, it has a huge selection of components needed to code any kind of website.

I'm not a CSS guru, but I had the feeling that I need to move away from Bootstrap and I've landed, around Bulma CSS. The Flexbox foundation, documentation and a few related articles convince me to give it a try.

Because I didn't find something useful and production-ready I decide to build my own web app and release it as a free asset. This is the result:


DEMO: BulmaPlay
JAMStack app - generated by Panini Static Site Generator
Tooling: Gulp, Ftp deploy script, SaaS
License: MIT, Sources here

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