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Star Admin - Free resources for beginners

Published Sep 16, 2020Last updated Mar 10, 2021
Star Admin - Free resources for beginners

Hello coders,

This article presents A curated list with free projects crafted on top of Star Admin design. Star Admin is a beautifully designed admin template featuring a fine selection of useful Bootstrap components and elements. Built using the latest technologies by BootstrapDash, this amazing dashboard is actively supported and updated with the latest trends and tools.

Thanks for reading! TL;DR; links (for fast-runners)

Star Admin - Free admin dashboard, animated presentation.

Star Admin - HTML Version

The HTML version of Star Admin can be downloaded directly from Github and based on the permissive license can be used for unlimited hobby & commercial products.
The project is provided with a Gulp/Nodejs for super easy usage.

Vendor Notes - Beautifully designed and well-coded admin template, that comes with excellent support from experts. Built using the latest technologies and up to date with the latest trends and tools.

Star Admin HTML - Links

Star Admin - Free admin dashboard, charts page.

Star Admin Flask

The starter is a simple Flask Dashboard enhanced with basic modules, database, and deployment scripts. Using this tested and production-ready codebase, any developer with a basic Python/Flask knowledge should deliver faster a dashboard project. The project is actively supported and versioned by AppSeed.

Starter features

  • UI Kit: Star Admin (Free Version) provided by BootstrapDash
  • DBMS: SQLite, PostgreSQL (production)
  • DB Tools: SQLAlchemy ORM, Alembic (schema migrations)
  • Modular design with Blueprints
  • Session-Based authentication (via flask_login), Forms validation
  • Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, Heroku
  • Support via Github (issues tracker) and Discord.

Star Admin Flask - Template project coded in Flask with basic modules by AppSeed.

Star Admin Django

A basic Django Dashboard starter coded on top of Star Admin with a database, native Django ORM, authentication flow, and deployment scripts for Docker, Gunicorn/Nginx, and HEROKU - provided by AppSeed.

Starter features

  • UI Kit: Star Admin (Free Version) provided by BootstrapDash
  • SQLite Database, Django Native ORM
  • Modular design, clean codebase
  • Session-Based Authentication, Forms validation
  • Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx
  • Support via Github (issues tracker) and Discord.

Star Admin Django - Template project coded in Django with basic modules by AppSeed.

Star Admin Vue

Star Admin Vue Free is a free to download Bootstrap admin template that offers unlimited options to users. Star Admin Vue template is rich in features and components and features a massive collection of elements, icons, buttons, and other essential components. The template also guarantees a fine user experience across both mobile and desktop devices. Customizing a template to meet the specific requirements of your web app development project may seem challenging. This is where Star Admin Vue template can make things simpler easier for you.

Star Admin - Vue Links

Star Admin Vue - Free version, provided by BootstrapDash.

Star Admin React

Star Admin React is designed to look simple and beautiful. The free admin template features a huge collection of components and elements, which will offer unlimited options to users.
Star Admin React Free template presents unlimited customization options to users. It gives you access to a wide variety of essential elements which will allow you to bring a unique touch to your web application. The template features a carefully crafted dashboard with plenty of neatly arranged and organized components and is capable of making the process of data visualization simpler.

Star Admin React Links

Star Admin React - Free version, provided by BootstrapDash.

Being a project constantly improved by BootstrapDash, Star Admin might be a good choice for your next project. For support, or any question related to any topic presented in this short article feel free to contact me in private or via the comments section.

Thank you!

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