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Flask Dashboard Argon - Learn Flask by coding an Admin Panel

Published Jun 16, 2019Last updated Oct 14, 2021
Flask Dashboard Argon - Learn Flask by coding an Admin Panel

Hello Coder,

The goal of this article is to help beginners, to code their own production-ready Flask Dashboard enhanced with SQLite database, ORM and authentication, on top of a usable UI. The resulting app, is published on Github, under MIT license and the full set of features is listed bellow:

  • SQLite Database / PostgreSQL , SQLAlchemy ORM
  • Modular structure via blueprints
  • Session-based authentication flow (login, register)
  • Password hashing via Passlib

In a rush? You may checkout the dashboard page or the Github sources

Flask Dashboard - Open-Source Boilerplate with Argon design.

The Environment

To code and update our app in Flask we need at least Python and Flask installed.

pip install Flask

To test the installation, open a python console and type:

$ python
$ >>> from flask import Flask
$ >>>

If your terminal is getting full of errors, Flask is ready to inject steroids into our application.

Dashboard Structure

Because Flask is a great Framework, a develope has total freendom when builds a new app. All code can be saved in one file, or can be splited logically, across files and directories. The chosen structure is shown bellow:
Flash Dashboard Argon - App Structure

We can easily remark the modular files split for the functional part (views, models), static and templates. Anyway, if this structure does not fit your taste, feel free to update it acordingly.

The (Argon) Design

In order to have an usable product at the end, we need a nice design integrated into our future app. Personally, I'm a big fan of the team behind this design because they release usable products under MIT License. Argon dashboard is not an exception.

Flask Dahboard Argon - Main Screen

Database Access

Any dashboard, must have a database behind for authentication and theinformation injected into the charts. On this section, the app is using Flask-SQLAlchemy library to avoid writing raw SQL sentences like, 'select * from ..'
Let's look how it helps SQLAlchemy to select data from database:

$ flask shell
$ >>> from app.models import User
$ >>> User.query.all() 
<User 1>

The User.query.all() return all table rows as objects, and manipulating the information to delete, create and update become quite an easy task.

Authentication Flow

As i said, the app has the bateries included, and comes with login, logout and registration ready to be used. Implementing autehtication into a Flask app, can be time-consuming if the core of the Flask is not fully understood.

Shell Enhancements

This app ca be also exported as a static app, by using two amazing libraries:

  • Click - help us to handle a custom command into Flask CLI
  • Frozen-Flask - Generate a static version of our app, and strip entirely the Flask middleware.

The relevant code is saved into

import click
from   flask_frozen import Freezer

from app import app
from app import db

# define custom command 
def build():
    freezer = Freezer(app)

if __name__ == "__main__": 

App Screenshots

Flask Dashboard Argon - login page

Flask Dashboard Argon - tables page

Flask Dashboard Argon - user profile page

How to use it

As mentioned before, the project is released under the MIT license on Github to be used by anyone. In case you want to build the app without leaving this page, please open your preferred terminal and type:

$ # 1. Get the code
$ git clone
$ cd flask-boilerplate-dashboard-argon
$ # install modules using a virtualenv
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ # 2. Install requirements
$ # SQLIte version (no PostgreSQL)
$ pip install -r requirements-sqlite.txt
$ # OR with PostgreSQL connector
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ # 3. Set the FLASK_APP environment variable
$ (Unix/Mac) export
$ (Windows) set
$ (Powershell) $env:FLASK_APP = ".\"
$ # 4. Run the application
$ flask run --host=
$ # 5. Go to, create an account and log in

Thank You!

Btw, my (nick)name is Sm0ke and I'm writing a lot on

Discover and read more posts from Adi Chirilov - Sm0ke
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