Django Template - 10+ open-source projects to use for learning and production
Hello Coders,
This article presents a short-list of open-source Django Templates that cover some hot topics like UI frameworks integration, render information in charts and data tables, and customize the default Django admin interface for a nicer UI/UX, authentication, deployment and best practices regarding a project structure.
All projects presented here are actively supported and released under permissive licenses (MIT, LGPL) and the source code can be used for hobby and commercial projects but also for learning activities.
Thank you! Feel free to suggest more projects in the comments or provide feedback regading the list.
- (1) - Django Volt Bootstrap 5 - Bootstrap 5 design available in Django
- (2) - Django Datta Able - simple open-source starter with a nice UI
- (3) - Django Argon Charts - shows different metrics: total sales, total orders
- (4) - Django Vue - bring the power of VueJS to native Django.
- (5) - Django Charts - Bar Charts rendered in different ways
- (6) - Chart.js with Django - complete a nice tutorial
- (7) - Django Plotly Dash - No JavaScript Required.
- (8) - Django Gradient Able - Features: authentication, deploy scripts
- (9) - Django Data Tables - search, pagination, inline edit
- (10) - Django Admin Black - template for Django Admin Interface
Django Volt Bootstrap 5
Open-Source Django Dashboard coded with basic modules, database, ORM and deployment scripts on top of Volt Dashboard (free version), a modern Bootstrap dashboard design.
Volt is a free and open source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard featuring over 100 components, 11 example pages and 3 customized plugins. Volt does not require jQuery as a dependency meaning that every library and script's are jQuery free.
- Django Volt Bootstrap 5 - product page
- Django Volt Bootstrap 5 - LIVE deployment
Django Argon Charts
Django Argon Charts sample provides functional code that shows different metrics regarding a 12mo timeframe: total sales, total orders, best sale and best month (in sales value). Information is provided using charts, widgets and a paginated data table that allows editing/adding new sales - Features
- Django Argon Charts - source code
- Django Argon Charts - LIVE deployment
Django Datta Able
Simple dashboard coded in Django Framework on top of Datta Able, a modern Bootstrap 4 dashboard template.
Features & Links
- Django Datta Able - product page
- Django Datta Able Demo - LIVE deployment
- UI-Ready app, SQLite Database, Django Native ORM
- Modular design, best practices codebase
- Session-Based Authentication, Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn/Nginx
Django Vue
Provided by maximdeclercq
A promising attempt to bring the power of VueJS to native Django. Write VueJS code and use VueJS Components inside Django templates without extensive code changes!
- Repository: Django Vue
- License: GPL-3.0 License
Django Simple Charts
Playground starter to display simple charts in Django using Morris JS:
- Charts from JSON - using this sample
- Charts from Table - simple STATS table
- Charts from DATA chunk - using this sample file
- Repository: Django Simple Charts
- LIVE Demo - Django Simple Charts
- License: MIT License
Use Chart.js with Django
Provided by Vitor Freitas
- Repository: Chart.js with Django
- License: MIT License
Django CoreUI
The popular CoreUI dashboard (free version) now available in Django.
Features & Links
- Django CoreUI - product page
- UI-Ready app, SQLite Database, Django Native ORM
- Modular design, best practices codebase
- Session-Based Authentication, Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn/Nginx
Django Plotly Dash
Provided by Sergei Pikhovkin
Open-source Django project for analytical apps - No JavaScript Required.
- Repository: Django Plotly Dash
- License: MIT License
Django Gradient Able
Free Django starter coded on top of Gradient Able, an open-source Bootstrap 4 dashboard template.
Features & Links
- Django Gradient Able - product page
- UI-Ready app, SQLite Database, Django Native ORM
- Modular design, best practices codebase
- Session-Based Authentication, Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn/Nginx
Django Data Tables
Provided by AppSeed
Playground starter to manage a data table in Django:
- Load sample data using the admin section
- Inline rows edit activated at double click
- Pagination and Search
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx
- Repository: Django Data Tables
- License: MIT License
Provided by NeErAj KuMaR
Open-source Django admin theme - Features:
- Theme Color - Change theme color of admin
- Material Design - Djadmin is based on material design.
- Added Language dropdown.
- Repository: Djadmin
- License: MIT License
Django Admin Black
Modern template for Django admin interface coded on top of Black Dashboard (free version) from Creative-Tim - Features:
- New fresh look
- Responsive mobile interface
- Useful admin home page
- Minimal template overriding
- Support RTL and LTR template
- Easy integration
- Repository: Django Admin Black
- License: MIT License
Thanks for reading! Feel free to suggest other projects in the comments section.
More Django Resources
- Django - the official website
- More Django Dashboards and starters
Btw, my (nick) name is Sm0ke and I'm pretty active also on Twitter.