Codementor Events - bootstrap fast your web app

Published Nov 01, 2017Last updated Feb 26, 2021 - bootstrap fast your web app

100 sessions on Codementor, .. most of them voted with 5*. For sure CodeMentor it's a success and I'm using it daily because I really like new challenges and I can work on what I really enjoy!

Ok, ok .. What is AppSeed ? The idea of such product hit me after ~= 50 sessions because allot of people from CodeMentor require help on their projects, constantly for two things:

  1. bootstrap their project and integrate most common modules
  2. deployment

No matter their projects use Flask, Django or Node.js same issues were visible at some point: bootstrap & deployment.

AppSeed helps people to skip over this (boring) logistic and let them focus on product features. Product engine expects tree things:

  1. Your awesome HTML theme
  2. Preferred framework ( Flask, Django, CodeIgniter or Node.js )
  3. Preferred database engine. ( MySql, PostgreSQL, Mongo )

In return, AppSeed will provide a fully usable project enhanced with:
authentication, ORM, best templating engine, database, scripts to deploy easily your amazing new product.

So, that's AppSeed all about: Automate & Support your local and production environment.

See u soon!
P.S. Also thanks to check out the Blog

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