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OpenSource Metric Based Monitoring

Published Oct 06, 2017Last updated Apr 04, 2018
OpenSource Metric Based Monitoring

Infrastructure as Code is the new cool thing.

Everybody is using it to create complex setups on AWS, GCE, Azure — you name it.

Although most cloud providers have an integrated solution for monitoring, what if you want more control? More information? More data?

My former company was asking the same questions, so I decided I could share my current experience with monitoring volatile infrastructures. Or, in other words, monitoring in a constantly changing environment, where nodes and container can appear and disappear any time.

The challenge here is not only to automate the whole monitoring process, but also to decide if it is an error when a node suddenly disappears or if it is just part of a normal downscaling process.

Although you can still use check-based monitoring systems in such an environment, metric-based monitoring is much more dynamic and flexible.

You are just gathering all the metrics you can get from whatever appears in your infrastructure, and then deciding later what to do with it.

In this blog post, I want to give an example of a full-stack metric based monitoring solution. As usual, most of the parts are interchangable. So, if you like $INSERTYOURTOOLHERE more, you can use it, as long as it is able to genereate metrics for the metric back-end.

So here is the list of tools I am going to describe and integrate:

All of the tools listed above have APIs that allow you to automate rollout and configuration processes.

All of the InfluxData products are simply GO binaries and start by using one configuration file. This can be automated easily by any available configuration management (even Ansible...).


Okay, let's get started.

First, we are going to set up the InfluxDB. This will be our central point where we keep all of our metrics.

Almost every other component in this setup is interchangeble, but this should be used as a back-end.

If you prefer other Timeseries Databases, I am sure you can work with them as well. However, because the guys behind InfluxDB did a great job building their TICK Stack, it is by far my preferred solution.

You can download the appropriate package for your operating system on their website and install it. InfluxDB runs out of the box and generally needs no further configuration.

Conveniently, the database is able to understand several protocols, and it's on a HTTP-based interface. If you are already collecting metrics via Graphite or using CollectD as a metric collector, you can easily configure InfluxDB to store their data by simply enabling the corresponding inputs in the config file /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf:

  enabled = true

  enabled = true

This will open additional (configurable) ports where you can point your metric sources to. No further migration required!


Telegraf is a metric collector, similar to CollectD or Diamond. It already provides a ton of useful input and output plugins and can be easily extended.

It comes from the same developers who designed InfluxDB, so they work very well together, which is important! I learned the hard way that just storing data in your TSDB doesn't mean you can do anything useful with it afterwards.

They should use proper field names and tags to be useful for monitoring and graphing. Using the already implemented Telegraf plugins keeps that kind of struggle away from you, since they know what they are doing (most of the time). But, like I said, this component can be easily traded for your favourite metric collector.

Configuration is as easy as editing one config file and enabling the input that you want to collect. Want to monitor Kubernetes, including pods and containers? Here you go!

  url = ""

The only thing left is to point Telegraf at your InfluxDB and maybe provide some global tags that get added to every single metric to make grouping and selecting even easier:

  cluster = "021"
  datacenter = "murika"

  username = "user"
  password = "passw0rd"
  urls = [""]
  database = "telegraf"


Here is where things get a little bit trickier. Kapacitor is a service that subscribes to databases in our InfluxDB, which means that any data that is inserted into said databases are also mirrored into Kapacitor.

It then uses so called TICKScripts to evaluate the incoming data, transform it, join it, and finally decide if something needs our attention. Since I struggled here for quite a while to get things up and running, here is a little more in-depth walkthrough.

Getting Kapacitor up and running is easy for all of the InfluxData tools: download the appropriate package for your system, install it, and edit the configuration file to point at your precious InfluxDB:

  username = "user"
  password = "passw0rd"
  name = "influxdb"
  default = true
  enabled = true
  urls = [""]

Right now Kapacitor is seeing all of the traffic that goes through your InfluxDB. And that's it. It actually does nothing.

Not cool? Right.

So now we are writing some fancy TICKScripts to do some actual alerting. As an example, we want to monitor disk usage and alert us if a disk is 80% full (warning) or 90% full (critical).

// Parameters
var warn = 80
var crit = 90

var period = 10s
var every = 10s

// Dataframe
var data = stream
    .groupBy('host', 'cluster', 'datacenter')

// Thresholds
var alert = data
    .id('{{ index .Tags "host"}}/disk_used')
    .message('{{ .ID }}:{{ index .Fields "stat" }}')
    .warn(lambda: "stat" > warn)
    .crit(lambda: "stat" > crit)

// Alert

Be sure that you gather this metric via Telegraf by enabling the disk plugin:


The Parameters section should be obvious. Here, we are defining some variables that are used in our script later on. The Dataframe section is a bit trickier.

The TICKScript language is an invocation chaining language. So, coming from the stream of data, we are selecting all data coming from() the database telegraf in the retention policy autogen (autogen is the default retention policy that is automatically generated when creating a database and has an infinite TTL).

We are looking into the measurement() disk, which is where our disk usage information is stored, and grouping by some tags.

Important: If you want to access tags from your measurements anywhere in your TICK script, you have to group by them. Otherwise, they will not be available.

Then, we select the time window Kapacitor should take a look at: check the data from the last 10 seconds every 10 seconds. Finally, we are looking into the used_percent field to get the used percentage metric and make it available under the name 'stat.'

If you gathered that data from your InfluxDB directly via InfluxQL, it would look like this:

SELECT mean(used_percent) as "stat" FROM "telegraf"."autogen"."disk" GROUP BY "host", "cluster", "datacenter"

Now that we have our data, we can check if we are exceeding our thresholds and create an alert(). Every alert should have a unique ID, which is created via the .id() property.

The .message() property defines a message (duh) with some human readable stuff to inform you about what is currently burning and where. The .crit() and .warn() properties are the actual "check." We test if our metric is exceeding our defined thresholds and issue a corresponding alert. For now, we can do so by just writing to a temp file.

This works quite well for most threshold checks (like Memory, CPU, and Load metrics). When we get to customizations, I will show you some other examples on how to utilize this highly flexible (and highly complex) alerting method.

But now we need to get this script running inside of Kapacitor. Save it on the host running Kapacitor as disk.tick and use the command line tool kapacitor to insert and enable it:

kapacitor define disk -type stream -tick disk.tick -dbrp telegraf.autogen
kapacitor enable disk

That's it! As soon as one of your monitored disk fills up beyond 79%, you should find a file in your /tmp directory containing your alert. You can find this and similar alerting examples in Kapacitor's GitHub Repository.


Alerta is one of the (suprisingly) very few general purpose alerting dashboards out there. And honestly, it's a bit of a pain in the ass to set up. It uses MongoDB as a back-end, supports different kinds of authentication, and looks quite nice.

By far easiest way to get Alerta up and running is by using the provided Docker container and following the provided steps.

I was setting it up via Salt to run via mod_wsgi in Apache in an environment that has no public internet access. And that wasn't that funny.

Do yourself a favour and use the Docker container to make your life less painful. The container will expose the web front-end via port 80 and the API via the /api endpoint.

As soon as we have Alerta running, we want Kapacitor to send alerts to our new fancy dashboard. Add the following section to your /etc/kapacitor/kapacitor.conf:

  url = ""
  enabled = true
  origin = "Kapacitor"

After a restart, we can modify our TICKScript to send alerts to Alerta by exchanging:

// Alert


// Alert
    .resource('{{ index .Tags "host" }}')
    .environment('{{ index .Tags "cluster" }}')
    .message('Disk usage is {{ .Level }}')
    .group('{{ index .Tags "datacenter" }}')
    .value('{{ index .Fields "stat" }}')

Save the changed script and inform Kapacitor about the changes:

kapacitor define disk -type batch -tick disk.tick -dbrp telegraf.autogen
kapacitor enable disk

Kapacitor will update the already existing disk task with the new information. From now on, new alerts should appear in your Alerta Dashboard. Congratulations, your metric based alerting chain is now complete! Time for some eye candy!


Grafana is a really awesome way to visualize any kind of metrics. It supports different back-ends and has a great query editor included if you decide to use InfluxDB as one.

Installation is thankfully quite simple: download your appropriate package, install, start, done!

The default port for Grafana is 3000 and the default credentials are "admin:admin." After logging in, you go to "Data Sources" and add your InfluxDB with the database "telegraf."

Now, you can create dashboards as your heart desires! For automation puposes, Grafana provides an API which you can use to create datasources and dashboards.

Since the dashboards are highly customized for our infrastructure, sharing wouldn't make much sense. For more generic, ready to use dashboards, you can visit and download some pretty neat dashboards to save yourself some time.

See the screenshots as a kick for your imagination. After having all of your systems sending metrics to your InfluxDB, creating Dashboards and checking out what you can do with your new toys can be quite satisfying.


Now that we have everything up and running, we will sooner or later encounter problems that can't be solved directly by our used tools. I, for example, wanted some more informations from our Kubernetes clusters than I could get out of the corresponding plugin.

Also, some of that informations is not metrics, but strings or bools. You can store them in your InfluxDB as well!

Ok, let's look at a practical example:

The Kubernetes API Server monitors the components needed for a Kubernetes Master internally and exposes them via its API.

That sounds like a good way to be alerted if our controller manager, scheduler oder ETCD server is having problems! Telegraf can execute external scripts and programs — they just have to return valid InfluxDB line protocol data to stdout. So, let's create a small Python script that gets us the required information:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import argparse
import requests

__version__ = '0.1'

class KubeStatus(object):
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.args = args

    def _get(self, url):
            resp = requests.get(url, timeout=int(self.args.timeout))
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
            resp = object()
            resp.timeout = True
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
            resp = object()
            resp.error = True
            return resp

    def get_component_status(self):
        metrics = {}
        tags = {}

        resp = self._get('{0}/api/v1/componentstatuses'.format(self.args.url))
        if getattr(resp, 'timeout', False):
            metrics['timeout'] = True
        elif getattr(resp, 'error', False):
            metrics['error'] = True
            data = resp.json()
            for component in data['items']:
                tags['name'] = component['metadata']['name']
                metrics['healthy'] = component['conditions'][0]['status']
                yield self._influxline('kube_components', metrics, tags)

    def _influxline(self, measurement, metrics, tags):
        values = []
        mtags = []

        for key, value in metrics.iteritems():
            if isinstance(value, basestring):
                fmt_str = '{0}="{1}"'.format(key, value)
                fmt_str = '{0}={1}'.format(key, value)

        for key, value in tags.iteritems():
            fmt_str = '{0}={1}'.format(key, value)

        return "{0},{1} {2}".format(measurement, ','.join(mtags), ','.join(values))

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=__version__)
    parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', help='url to query', default='http://localhost:8080')
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', help='timeout in seconds', default=5)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    kubestatus = KubeStatus(args)
    for metric in kubestatus.get_component_status():

if __name__ == '__main__':

This can easily be extended to gather health information about nodes, pods, and containers. The full script can be found here. Now we can call it from Telegraf and gather the metrics into our InfluxDB:

  commands = ["/opt/monitoring/"]
  timeout = "5s"
  data_format = "influx"

We can now show the information in our Grafana dashboards (as shown in the screenshot of our Kubernetes cluster dashboard). But more importantly, we can create a TICKScript that alerts us as soon as something goes wrong with our cluster:

// Parameters
var period = 10s
var every = 10s

// Dataframe
var data = stream
    .groupBy('cluster', 'datacenter', 'name')

// Thresholds
var alert = data
    .id('kubernetes/{{ index .Tags "name"}}')
    .message('{{ .ID }}:{{ index .Fields "healthy" }}')
    .crit(lambda: bool("healthy") != TRUE)

// Alert
    .resource('{{ index .Tags "cluster" }}/kubernetes')
    .environment('{{ index .Tags "cluster" }}')
    .message('Kubernetes component {{ index .Tags "name" }} is {{ .Level }}')
    .group('{{ index .Tags "datacenter" }}')
    .value('{{ index .Fields "healthy" }}')

This shows the true power of this kind of setup: we just added one TICKScript, but every single Kubernetes cluster that sends its metrics to our InfluxDB is now being monitored for failures.

As soon as a new cluster comes up, there is nothing to do — the monitoring, visualisation and alerts are already running. If a cluster is destroyed, the alerts would stay in Alerta until someone deletes it.

However, we just hooked a script into our destruction process that clears old alerts via Alertas API and clears data from our InfluxDB.

We can do that because we have full control over everything that is happening. Every component has an API that we can talk to via all of our automation processes.

I hope you gained some insight of what can be done using metric based monitoring and a completely open source based software stack.

Since we are chaining tools together, mainly via well defined interfaces, changes specific to your infrastructure can be easily accomplished.

Give it a try and decide for yourself if a transistion from check-based monitoring is an option for you. For me it definitely was!

This post is originally published by the author here. This version has been edited for clarity and may appear different from the original post.

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post comments4Replies
7 years ago

Oops! I commented before reading the Python section regarding the exec plugin. Jumped the gun a bit there…

7 years ago

Hi Christian,

Fantastic article, I’ve just started out with the TICK stack with work and your article covered it very well! However I did notice a slight mistake (I think).

When you define your TICK script in Kapacitor you define it as a batch but the script itself is a stream. Kapacitor will most likely error when defining it. I just wanted to mention it for future readers.

I’ve been working on using the exec plugin with Telegraf using BASH and PowerShell scripts. It’s been quite the struggle, have you tried this?


Christian Eichelmann
7 years ago

Hi Phil,

good catch, thanks for pointing it out! I’ve fixed the line in the article, so people don’t run into an error there.

Regarding the exec plugin: I’ve used the influx data format in my python code since it is easy and flexible. If you want to use Bash or Powershell I would recommend the graphite data format because it is much simpler and doesn’t require any special formatting.


7 years ago

No problem!

I’ve recently got the Poweshell script to work, but I had to go down the route of regex. Fun though. Thanks for the recommendations i’ll set them up on my test server.


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