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What You Need to Know to Ace Your Technical Interview

Published Sep 13, 2018Last updated Mar 12, 2019
What You Need to Know to Ace Your Technical InterviewWhat You Need to Know to Ace Your Technical Interview

Evaluations for entry-level coders are a bit different from those conducted for business managers and other professionals. For example, a technical job interview includes the application of practical skills. More specifically, coders will receive a problematic code and a whiteboard. Solving this problem or displaying a high level of ingenuity is necessary if the coders want the job.

Surviving this interview is a challenging exercise for many coders, but turning it into a success is possible if you follow these tips.

• Get a Whiteboard
Feeling intimidated is one of the principal reasons why people fail most interviews. You have solved coding problems before, have you not? Why should the ones presented to you by the interviewers be any different? The problem is that you handled them on paper. The whiteboard intimidates you because you do not use it often. Get one today and start practicing on it.

• Practice Standardized Questions
Interviewers do not take any pleasure in seeing you fail your whiteboard test. Therefore, they mostly test you on standard questions with a small twist to jog your mind. Developing a list of possible problems and practicing them prepares you for these twists. It also builds your confidence in addition to fueling your curiosity. You will be looking forward to the interview instead of dreading it.

• Get Some Rest
Whiteboard tests determine the success of your job application process. Consequently, people prepare for them endlessly. Regrettably, some of them fail to rest adequately on the eve of their test. Solving a coding problem in this state of physical exhaustion is unlikely because your mind feels tired as well. That means it cannot think creatively yet doing so is critical to resolving difficulties in coding.

• Take Your Time
Coding is a highly iterative process. That means you can start an iteration only discover that you are heading in the wrong direction at the end of it. That happens when you start solving the code as soon as you receive it. In contrast, taking your time helps you understand the problem so that you can develop a viable approach that will solve it.

• The Thought Process Matters
Interviewers understand the pressure that people face when they are trying to ace a whiteboard test. They know that interviewees make minor mistakes because of this pressure. Therefore, interviewers examine thought processes as well, and they will consider you if you were heading in the right direction. Explain your thoughts to them even if solving the problem was difficult for you.

• Simulating Interviews Helps
Politicians hold mock debates and hearings. That is partly the reason why they perform well before the camera. Simulated interviews can improve your performance amazingly. Search for IT companies near me, and then ask if one of them can help you conduct a mock interview. Some will be reluctant to do so, but others will help you happily.

Whiteboard tests are a challenging experience for many people who are seeking jobs as coders. However, overcoming the challenge that they pose is possible. You can start by getting a whiteboard, practicing standardized questions, and resting. You can also do simulation interviews. Explaining your thought process helps as well in addition to taking time before you start solving the coding problem.

Carl Cotton
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