

Rising Codementor
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Full-stack developer with 20+ years of solving problems with code.
Full-stack developer with 20+ years of solving problems with code.

I've spent my career developing solutions for startups and entrepreneurs. I believe following best practices and TDD enable startups to move quickly, adapt quickly, and get other developers up to speed quickly.

Focused on development in Ruby and Ruby on Rails for the last 13 years while using other languages as needed for business goals. I've used Clojure for a high traffic API that handle 1000's of requests a second. I've build Golang back-end services to handle parts of applications that needed to be very performant and have fast response times.

I have front-end experience with JavaScript throughout my career, including React and Angular however, I've been using Hotwire (Turbo and Stimulus) for recent projects.

I enjoy finding the best solutions for businesses and balancing the trade-offs required for those solutions.

More about me:

Mountain Time (US & Canada) (-07:00)
Joined July 2016
11 years experience
I have built multiple Ruby on Rails and Sinatra web applications and APIs. I also use Ruby for general scripting and DevOps.
I have built multiple Ruby on Rails and Sinatra web applications and APIs. I also use Ruby for general scripting and DevOps.
11 years experience
I've used Rails for Application dashboards, APIs, and prototype web applications.
I've used Rails for Application dashboards, APIs, and prototype web applications.
20 years experience
JavaScript has been a part of almost every application I've built. From jQuery to Backbone.js though React and now Stimulus and Alpine. I...
JavaScript has been a part of almost every application I've built. From jQuery to Backbone.js though React and now Stimulus and Alpine. I've done projects in Node.js for API and back-end services.
3 years experience
Golang has been a great addition for running AWS lambda APIs and web crawling projects.
Golang has been a great addition for running AWS lambda APIs and web crawling projects.
12 years experience
PostgreSQL has been the primary database for most projects in the last 12 years.
PostgreSQL has been the primary database for most projects in the last 12 years.
3 years experience
I've used Clojure to build APIs, Services, and Web application prototypes. I've been using Clojure in production for large applications a...
I've used Clojure to build APIs, Services, and Web application prototypes. I've been using Clojure in production for large applications and services for over 3 years.
5 years experience
I've used MongoDB as the main production database for a large web applications and have used Geo based queries and Aggregation pipeline f...
I've used MongoDB as the main production database for a large web applications and have used Geo based queries and Aggregation pipeline for building complex reports and fast geo-based systems.


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Example site for 11ty, Shopify, StimulusJS
Twilio node example application.
Stack Overflow
457 Reputation