I’m a full-stack Senior Software Engineer with a strong gravitation towards back-end development, particularly in Java and SQL (though I do still work on front-end projects as well--mostly React). I enjoy using OOP principles and keeping code DRY and clean; and refactoring holds a special place in my heart. I'm also a huge fan of the Git version control system.
I studied Computer Science at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, where I also earned an officer’s commission through Air Force ROTC. After 4 1/2 years as an active duty nuclear missile operator, I transitioned to a full-time career in software engineering and developed a deep appreciation for Java.
At work, I’m known for my love of final variables (in Java), ping pong, and cards. Outside of work, I spend most of my time with my family of five and juggling the many hobbies I cycle through. I love learning and find joy in helping others learn and grow in turn.