As a freelance developer and at the BBC, I have amassed over ten years of experience making games and apps for the web and mobile web. As a freelancer, I have worked for: Animal Vegetable Mineral Ltd Applied Innovation, Thomson Reuters CBBC and CBeebies, BBC Scary Beasties / Comic Relief Stink Digital / Ray-Ban Catch Digital / London Zoo (ZSL) Preloaded / Science Museum High5 Games Recursively Made / JeemTV Tech stack - I'm a front-end leaning full-stack developer with day-to-day experience of: Front end: JavaScript, ES6, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS, Angular, React, Redux, Unity. Build tools: Gulp, Grunt, NPM, Node. Version control: Git, SVN. Back end: Node.js, Express, Rest, AWS. I am on GitHub,, where I maintain some open source repositories and contribute to projects like Phaser.js and Pixi.js. I am on CodePen,, where I occasionally draw something like Blinky ( with CSS or try out some canvas/webgl JavaScript experiments.