Michelle Tilley

Michelle Tilley

Away on vacation
(9 reviews)
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JavaScript Aficionado, React/Flux Enthusiast, Author of Fluxxor
JavaScript Aficionado, React/Flux Enthusiast, Author of Fluxxor

I've been doing client-side JavaScript development for more than a decade, and have been creating React-powered UIs for more than five years. I wrote Fluxxor, the first flux library.

I'm familiar with other data management libraries and techniques, as well as many other libraries in the React ecosystem (such as React Router, React DnD, Redux, Recoil, Overmind, etc.) I also have experience with a wide variety of other client-side frameworks and libraries aside from React.

I'm also familiar with a variety of back-end technologies; I'm proficient with Node.js and Elixir, relatively proficient in Ruby, and Python, and have had some experience in Rust, Elm, PHP, Java, and a number of others.

Pacific Time (US & Canada) (-07:00)
Joined October 2015
13 years experience
I've been doing web development for more than a decade, especially specializing in client-side application development with JavaScript. I...
I've been doing web development for more than a decade, especially specializing in client-side application development with JavaScript. I have the most experience with React, though I have some familiarity with a few other client-side frameworks such as Angular and Vue. I also have plenty of experience with libraries like jQuery. I also do JavaScript development on the server with Node.js, and have built desktop applications using JavaScript with Electron.
7 years experience
I've been using React for more than five years, utilizing it to build web applications, Chrome extensions, and desktop applications using...
I've been using React for more than five years, utilizing it to build web applications, Chrome extensions, and desktop applications using tools like Electron. I believe React provides one of the most approachable declarative programming models, and the large ecosystem of libraries available for React makes for a great developer experience. I have more expertise with React than any other client-side JavaScript library. I was the second user on Stack Overflow to gain the gold reactjs badge (http://stackoverflow.com/help/badges/5357/reactjs)
7 years experience
I've been using flux for almost as long as React, and after some early experiments, wrote the very first well-known flux library, Fluxxor...
I've been using flux for almost as long as React, and after some early experiments, wrote the very first well-known flux library, Fluxxor, based on the descriptions of the design pattern provided by Facebook. I've since used other data management libraries, the most common one being Redux.
6 years experience
For a while I used Redux almost exclusively for app state management. While it's not my go-to tool of choice, it still is a good implemen...
For a while I used Redux almost exclusively for app state management. While it's not my go-to tool of choice, it still is a good implementation of a unidirectional data flow library (very similar in many ways to flux). Redux has a great modular design and the ecosystem around the library is still thriving.
9 years experience
I've been building JavaScript applications on the server using Node.js since version 0.4. I'm also the author of NodeCasts, a short scree...
I've been building JavaScript applications on the server using Node.js since version 0.4. I'm also the author of NodeCasts, a short screencast series focusing on Node.js topics. I have several JavaScript packages on the npm repository.
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6 years experience
Electron is a way to build desktop applications for Windows, OS X, and Linux using web technologies like HTML and JavaScript. It's used t...
Electron is a way to build desktop applications for Windows, OS X, and Linux using web technologies like HTML and JavaScript. It's used to power the Atom text editor. For a time, I worked on both Atom and Electron at GitHub. Because it uses JavaScript and web technologies under the hood, most of the other JavaScript expertise also applies to Electron. I also have some specific experience building Electron applications.
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(9 reviews)
David V
David V
January 2016
fantastic. explained the issues / all bg problems resolved
Removed User
Removed User
January 2016
Very efficient way to improve my coding ability. Thanks Michelle!
December 2015
Michelle is incredible. There was a lot to do during our first (of a monthly plan) session: introduce myself; explain my goals and how we each like to work; provide a brief whirlwind of my React/Redux code; and actually address the current issue I was having. Michelle was able to jump right in and immediately diagnose exactly what needed to be done. Issue resolved - new feature implemented! Can't wait for more!
Mychelle Blake
Mychelle Blake
December 2015
Michelle is simply awesome! Aside from her great knowledge, she is friendly and easy to work with and eager to teach you.
Mychelle Blake
Mychelle Blake
December 2015
Michelle is awesome. Patiently handled my issue while providing guidance for the project I am working on.
Senior Software Engineer
At GitHub I worked on several projects, including Atom and its Git and GitHub integration, Electron, and Primer, the GitHub design system...
At GitHub I worked on several projects, including Atom and its Git and GitHub integration, Electron, and Primer, the GitHub design system. I was the engineering lead for the dark mode implementation and rollout.
Ruby on Rails
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Ruby on Rails
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Planetary.jsView Project
Planetary.js is a JavaScript library for building awesome interactive globes. It is based on D3.js and TopoJSON, and has built-in support...
Planetary.js is a JavaScript library for building awesome interactive globes. It is based on D3.js and TopoJSON, and has built-in support for zoom, rotation, mouse interaction, and displaying animated "pings" at any coordinate. Via plugins, Planetary.js can be extended to do whatever you want!
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