Senior developer with 5 years of technical and leadership startup experience.
Achieved a 4.0 GPA at Oregon State University, getting a BS in Computer Science. If you're a college student wondering how I made that happen, hit me up. Happy to help.
Also secured a degree in Business Administration for good measure.
Over the years I've gathered a solid lineup of soft and hard skills: requirements gathering and analysis, project management, software architecture and implementation, business strategy, account management, and so on. I've been brought in to recover multiple failing tech projects to get them back on track and launched with near-zero maintenance effort. It's been a journey and a lot of fun!
Getting into the nitty gritty of my technical skills, I've got years of experience in JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, MariaDB, Python, dabbled in plenty of frameworks and libraries, etc. Learned plenty of C and C++ in my college years.
On the side, I love tricking out my home with smart tech and doing some ridiculous automations. Home Assistant is a lot of fun!