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7 Skills You Need to Become a Better Programmer

Published Dec 04, 2018
7 Skills You Need to Become a Better Programmer

What is the difference between a good programmer and a great one?

If you say the answer is that, great programmer not only understand the technical know-how but also possess certain skills that makes them stand apart, then you are right.

You see, having a good grasp of the technicality of programming is good but this won’t make you stand apart and ahead in an ever increasingly competitive world.

The Top Skills Great Programmer Have:

Problem-Solving: One of the major skills that a programmer must possess is problem-solving skills. Not only should a programmer be unafraid of problems and in fact, face them head on, the programmer should also be able to find problems to solve. After all, the major attraction of technology is its ability to solve basic problems and make the task easier to accomplish. So indeed, a programmer should be able to come out with technological ways of solving basic human problems. He/she should be able to use logic, analytics, and data to find solutions to problems. This is why good programmers have to be great or at least, possess basic proficiency in mathematics, geometrics or statistics.

Positivity: A great programmer has an altogether positive attitude. While others see a problem, a programmer sees an opportunity to create solutions and innovations. Also, a programmer has to be someone who cares and not a nonchalant person who doesn’t care much for how things are going. A programmer also doesn’t take negative feedback badly, he/she sees it as an opportunity to do better.

Time Management: As a programmer, you have to be reliable and trusted to get the job done as quickly as possible. You have to be trusted to meet deadlines. Employers are advised not to load their programmers with too much work at once, so as to let them concentrate and do a good job. However, it is expected of you as a programmer to not drag your feet on task and get them done when it is expected. Even if you come highly recommended because of the technical skill, employers will expect that you imbibe good time management skills.

Thinking outside the Box: Creativity is a good quality to have as a programmer. You should be able to find other ways to accomplish tasks besides the usual way. You should also be able to think on your feet critically and logically.

Good Communication Skills: Programmers have to be able to communicate effectively with both the computer and to people. Apart from communicating with the languages of the computer to bring out what is expected of it, the programmer should be able to communicate effectively with others to explain what he/she is doing. Others might not understand as you do, what you are trying to achieve. You shouldn’t look down on their lack of understanding and should instead explain to them calmly. Also, because people are going to be dealing with the programs you create, you need to make them user-friendly. At least, let the user, who want to use a website like, who has a basic knowledge of technology be able to navigate through the programs.

Quick Learning Skills: One skill that is common with most programmers is their ability to self-learn and learn quickly. They do not shy away from new technologies or programs but instead sit with it until they learn how it all came together and they can even find new ways to work it to provide better technologies. As a programmer, you have to be ready to self-learn and even learn every day because new technologies are released every other day. You have to keep up with the fast-paced world to be a great programmer or you will be shocked to find your knowledge outdated.

Attention to Details: Some of the greatest technologies have been created by one person’s ability to pay attention to minute details. As a programmer, you have to see what others are not seeing, you have to address every detail that could cause a problem and you should not be afraid of having to create updates every now and then.

Employers are not simply looking for a programmer who can understand computer languages. That is the first step to being a programmer; you have to have the actual technical skill.

But they are looking for more and thankfully, all these skills can be honed, you just have to be ready and give it your all, so you don’t just end up a programmer but a great programmer or the best.

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