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Combining CSS Grid with Bootstrap Grid

Published May 03, 2019

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Barri SambarisBlockedUnblockFollowFollowing

Apr 29

Before I discovered CSS grid, I used bootstrap grid a lot. Bootstrap grid was a reasonable solution to the many responsiveness issues I had back then as a newbie. Then I discovered CSS grid. CSS grid’s edge over bootstrap grid is its two-dimensional quality (ability to use rows and columns) as opposed to bootstrap’s one dimension row.

On the internet, there are a lot of debates over which is better, when should each be used and how to use them. This confused me a lot. Although I use CSS grid more, I love them both. While CSS grid is considerably more powerful, I find bootstrap grid to be more flexible. Do I really have to choose?

Bootstrap has an in-built grid options system that works across multiple devices and this has helped me eliminate the use of media queries. With the use of bootstrap grid options, I can adequately position <divs> how I want them to appear on different screens without using media queries.

Here’s what I mean

Link to the pen

In the code above, I have created a nested grid in <section> with class .section of four columns. I actually want the four columns to each take-up half the screen width in devices less than 998px and to be stacked on each other on a small screen for easy reading. But CSS grid is not giving me this. It remains the same throughout as you can see in the image below.

for large screen

small screen (mobile view)

The nested grid stays the same throughout. I don’t want this. And I don’t want to specify media breakpoints in the CSS.

So I decided to nest a bootstrap grid in the class — .section to see if I could achieve the desired result.

Bootstrap grid layout allows up to 12-columns per row. On a large screen, the four columns are placed side by side. Each column taking up 3 units out of the 12-columns.

large screen > 1000px


On medium screen, the columns now take up 6 units, which is an equal division of the 12-columns into two columns.

mobile view

While on smaller screens like mobile devices, the columns take up the entire width and are stacked on each other.

CSS grid and bootstrap grid can work together perfectly. Rather than pit them against each other, it’s up to you to find a way to blend these two powerful grids.

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post comments2Replies
kristof vandommele
4 years ago

So you included the complete grid system of bootstrap for something that would have taken 5 lines of additional CSS?

Ahmed Kaja
5 years ago

You could have used a nested grid for the .section, and achieve what you wanted & move off bootstrap grid completely, isn’t it?