From Quick Script to Polished Tool: Building an Image Converter in Python
Welcome to the first post in a series "From Quick Script to Polished Tool," where we'll build a practical image conversion tool from the ground up using Python. Throughout the series, we'll transform a simple script into a command-line tool that you can use in a workflow and share with others.
In our journey, we'll start with a basic script that converts a single image file, then progressively enhance it with error handling, support for multiple formats, command-line arguments, and proper packaging. By the end, you'll have not only a useful tool but also a deeper understanding of Python development practices that apply to any project.
Today we focus on creating the Minimum Viable Product (MVP)--a simple script that solves one specific problem: converting "unusual" image formats to the universally compatible PNG format.
Why We Need an Image Conversion Tool
If you've ever tried to upload images to various platforms, you've likely encountered the frustrating message: "Unsupported file format." Smartphones and cameras often save images in efficient formats like HEIC (Apple devices) or WebP (Google), which offer excellent compression but aren't universally supported.
Consider these common scenarios:
- You've taken dozens of photos on your iPhone (saved as HEIC) and need to upload them to a website that only accepts PNG or JPG.
- You've downloaded WebP images from the web that don't open in your favorite image editor.
- You need consistent image formats for a project, documentation, or social media posts.
- You're batch processing images and need them all in the same format.
While there are plenty of online converters and desktop applications, they often come with limitations: file size restrictions, privacy concerns, watermarks, or simply too many clicks for a repetitive task.
As developers, we know there's a better way. Certainly we can automate this, right? Why not create a simple utility that can:
- Process images in bulk
- Convert them locally (protecting privacy)
- Automate a repetitive task
- Be customized to our exact needs
Python is perfect for our task, with excellent library support and readable syntax. The Pillow library (a fork of PIL, the Python Imaging Library) makes image manipulation straightforward, even for beginners.
Let's solve this common problem while learning skills that will serve us in future projects. By the end of this article, we'll have a working script that converts a WebP image to PNG format--and you'll understand the code that makes it happen.
Setting Up Your Python Environment
Before we dive into coding, let's set up a proper development environment for our image converter project. This ensures we have all the necessary dependencies and a clean workspace to build our tool.
Project Setup
First, let's create a dedicated directory for our project and set up a virtual environment to manage our dependencies:
# Create project directory
mkdir image-converter
cd image-converter
# Create virtual environment
python -m venv venv
# Activate virtual environment (Windows)
# Activate virtual environment (macOS/Linux)
source venv/bin/activate
Using a virtual environment is a best practice that keeps your project dependencies isolated from your global Python installation, preventing version conflicts between different projects.
Installing Required Libraries
For our image conversion tool, we'll need Pillow, the Python Imaging Library fork. It's a powerful library that supports a wide range of image file formats and provides simple methods for image manipulation:
# Install Pillow library
pip install Pillow
# Optional: install support for HEIC format
pip install pillow-heif
The main Pillow library handles most common formats like JPEG, PNG, GIF, and WebP. For HEIC support (commonly used by iOS devices), we'll need the additional pillow-heif package.
Let's save our dependencies to a requirements.txt file so others can easily install them:
# Create requirements.txt
pip freeze > requirements.txt
With our environment set up, we're ready to start building our image converter.
Writing Our MVP Script
Now that our environment is set up, let's write the core functionality of our image converter. For our MVP, we'll focus on a single task: converting a WebP image to PNG format.
The Basic Converter Script
Create a new file called
in your project directory and add the following code:
from PIL import Image # utility for image file manipulation
import os # utility for dealing with files and folders
def convert_webp_to_png(input_path):
Convert a WebP image to PNG format
input_path: Path to the WebP image file
Path to the saved PNG file
# Check if file exists
if not os.path.exists(input_path):
print(f"Error: File '{input_path}' not found.")
return None # there's no file to convert, return early
# Check if file is a WebP image
if not input_path.lower().endswith('.webp'):
print(f"Error: File '{input_path}' is not a WebP image.")
return None # we can't convert that type of file, return early
# Open the image
img =
# Create output filename (same path but .png extension)
output_path = os.path.splitext(input_path)[0] + '.png'
# Save as PNG, 'PNG')
# We will only reach this print statement if no exceptions have raised
print(f"Successfully converted '{input_path}' to '{output_path}'")
return output_path
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error converting '{input_path}': {e}")
return None
# This runs everytime the script is called from the terminal, rather than
# from inside another script
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Replace with your actual WebP file path
# this file would be in the same folder as our python script
sample_image = "sample.webp"
Let's test our script with a sample WebP image. If you don't have one handy, you can download one from the web or convert one of your existing images to WebP format.
To run the script:
If everything works correctly, you should see a success message, and a new PNG file will appear in the same directory as the WebP file.
Conclusion: The Power of Simple Automation
What we've created might seem small--just a few lines of code to convert an image from one format to another. But, this script represents the first step in one of a developer's most valuable skills: automating repetitive tasks.
Consider the time savings: if you need to convert dozens or hundreds of images, our script already saves you from the tedious process of opening each file in an image editor, exporting it, and saving it with a new name. Even at this early stage, we're making a task more efficient.
This MVP approach--creating the simplest possible solution first--is powerful because:
- It delivers immediate value: You can use this script today, even as we * to improve it
- It provides a foundation to build upon: We have working code we can refine and extend
- It keeps development focused: By starting small, we avoided overcomplicating our solution
In the next post, we'll expand our script to handle multiple file formats, process entire directories, and add better error handling. We'll move from a script that converts a single WebP image to a tool that can handle a variety of formats in bulk.
The pattern we're following--start with a minimal solution, test it, then gradually enhance it--isn't just good for this project. It's a development philosophy that will serve you well in everything from small scripts to large applications.
Remember: professional developers aren't those who write the most complex code; they're those who efficiently solve problems and save time. Our simple script is already doing exactly that.
Stay tuned. Next we'll transform this basic script into a flexible tool that can handle more than just one file.