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Why learn Kotlin? [Infographics]

Published Jun 16, 2017Last updated Dec 12, 2017
Why learn Kotlin? [Infographics]

Kotlin is a programming language created by JetBrains. In a short period of time (2016 – 2017), the lines of Kotlin code on Github increased from 2 million to 10 million, with approximately 160,000 people trying it out one way or other.

What I just mentioned are data before Android made its big announcement. In the recent Google I/O 2017, held on May 17, Kotlin was announced as an official language for Android development. The announcement just gave us even more reasons to learn Kotlin — what better time to learn Kotlin than now?

Also, JetBrains has great plans for Kotlin in the future. It is already 100% interoperable with Java/Android, and can compile quite a few JavaScript VMs. They are now working on Kotlin/Native that can compile native code directly. This is a great step towards multi-platform development, for which Kotlin was created. Potential future projects include cross-platform mobile apps development, sever-side and microservices, machine learning etc.

Still unsure whether you should learn Kotlin or not? Check out this cool infographics on why you should learn Kotlin!

Why learn Kotlin?

Feel free to read this article to get started with Kotlin for Android development!

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post comments4Replies
Ashique Ali
8 years ago

Kotlin is additional feature we should learn android studio

Archimedes Trajano
8 years ago

Except it does not work with Eclipse and WTP (Web Tools Platform). If you want to do Java EE with Kotlin then you’d need to spend $$$ on the IntelliJ Ultimate Edition since the Community Editions do not work with Java EE.

8 years ago
Archimedes Trajano
7 years ago

they’re not seamless as Java.

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