Most Important Topics To Learn As An Expert ROR Developer
There are lots of topics those are very important to know as a perfect ruby on rails developer. I have collected some most important topics and I have thought to share here at LinkedIn. If anything you guys wants to add than please add them in comments.
I am planning to create a course for all the below mentioned stuffs so everyone can take a deep into it. I will share the course link here after the completion of my videos.
Learning Stuffs :
1. Good Practice for being more better in rails
=> Active Job ( How and Why )
=> Active Storage ( How and Why )
=> Libraries ( How and Why )
=> Services ( How and Why )
=> Decorators ( How and Why )
=> active_model_serializers ( How and Why )
=> Rake Tasks ( How and Why )
=> Organised Seed Data with proper manner ( How and Why )
2. Topics for being perfect
=> Concerns in rails
=> Include/Require/Load ( For Dynamically including stuffs )
=> Dynamic Routes
=> Scopes/Lambda/Proc/Block
=> Create your own class level method for any existing classes ( String, Integer, Float, Double, Array, Hash etc)
3. How to use associations in proper and efficient manner with dynamic classes and keys. It will include all type of associations.
4. Plugins
=> Rails Engine
=> Rails Plugin
5. Gems
=> Why we use
=> How to override using monkey patching
=> How to create
=> How to deploy
6. Socket Programming ( Real Time Sync ) using below mentioned things
=> Thin & Faye
=> Pusher
=> Websocket Rails
=> Real Time Sync Rails ( render_sync )
7. Redis Server
=> Synchronize Process for more than 1000 parallel connections