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Networking with Swift

Published Aug 02, 2018Last updated Jan 29, 2019
Networking with Swift

We all know why dependencies are bad, and writing software dependant on other software is not necessarily good. It probably reduces complexity for the time being, and helps you write code faster, but I wouldn’t say it’s exactly the way things are to be done, from my experience.

Writing software independent of 3rd party libraries, helps build robust software that won’t go out of date with time. I’ve used networking libraries in the past, some really excellent ones (cough Alamofire cough) to abstract and make things easier while building the networking layer. But of late, I’m trying to write code with zero to no-dependencies. Especially, when working with the iOS Platform. The iOS platform comes baked in with most, if not all, things that you need to build out your app.

Networking is something most apps need to deal with these days, the apps on your phone have to communicate with the internet one way or the other, process requests/responses, and display information. When that’s being done all over the place in your code, it’s nightmare.

Recently, I came across a Swift talk by Florian Kugler and Chris Eidhof of where they talk about writing the Networking Layer for an app, and how best to do that. In this post, I intend to explain their process with some fundamental Swift concepts, and how to keep concerns separate and why it’s good.

The Architecture: Model, Resource, Webservice

Architecting a networking layer can be a task, a difficult one at that, especially without direction. Once you know how to do something, doing something isn’t hard. Let’s see one way to architect your networking layer that you can consider as a direction to write your own.

There are three concerns that need to be addressed when dealing with Networking:

  1. Send a request to a server for a resource
  2. Get a response back
  3. Parse responses into native swift types

We’ll see how to address each of this with Swift.

  • Send a request to a server for a resource
  • Get a response back

Usually when you’re sending a request over to a server, it’s for a resource of some kind. This could be a post, an article, a movie, or anything. Let’s call this a resource from now.

We could handle this by having a class do that for us, say a Webservice class that could load a resource, that returns a response.

  • Parse responses into native swift types

Usually the responses we get back from server these days is in JSON. So, the task at hand is to parse JSON into native swift types. There are many ways to do this, but let’s see how to handle it so its nicer and cleaner and in a way you don’t have to deal with it each and every time you need to request for a response.

Let’s assume we have the following milestones:

Milestone One : Get Binary Data

Milestone Two : Data —> JSON —> Native Types

Milestone Three : Clean up

Webservice — Class that handles requests

We need a way to send requests to a server for a resource, don’t we? We’ll call that class Webservice. This class could have a method load that could be responsible to load a resource. We’ll see how to build this out in a while.


We also need a way to tell the Webservice class to load a resource, we can accomplish that by having a Resource object that encapsulates the request URL and a way to parse the response.

Model — Native Swift Objects with Value Types

Finally, you need native types of the data that you receive from the server to be able to use it across the app. We’ll use structs for each model to address that.



Let’s assume we have json data being served from a server that looks like this:

    "title": "Pulp Fiction",
  "actors": ["Samuel L Jackson", "John Travolta"] 
    "title": "Ocean's Eleven", 
    "actors": ["George Clooney", "Brad Pitt", "Matt Damon"] 
    "title": "Goodfellas", 
    "actors": ["Robert De Niro", "Ray Liotta"] 
    "title": "I Am Sam", 
    "actors": ["Sean Penn"] 

For the sake of this example, we’ll put this data in a file called movies.json, and try to build a networking layer in Swift that parses this data into native types.


The Resource is a struct that encapsulates the url and a way to parse, a parse function, that helps parse the data from the URL. For example, In our case we could have a MoviesResource that could retrieve movies.

We could model Resource like —>

struct Resource<A> { let url: URL let parse: (Data) -> A?
  • URL: A url property that denotes the URL of the resource
  • parse function: A function that takes some Data and returns an object of the associated resource.

Let’s write an initialiser for a Resource in an extension like —>

extension Resource { init?(url: URL, parse: @escaping (Any) -> A?) { self.url = url self.parse = parse }

Here, along with the URL, we’re just passing a closure to the parse parameter and assigning it to the resource’s parse property.

Now, a movies resource could be initialised like —>

let url = URL(string: "http://localhost:8080/movies.json")!
let moviesResource = Resource<Data>(url: url) { data in return data


Now that we’ve seen how we could create a Resource type for our data, we need a way for us to fetch the data from the server.

Luckily the URLSession class offers a way for us to do this easily without having to use any third party libraries, we’ll wrap this up in a function within a Webservice class so we could use it.

We could write this like —>

final class Webservice { 
  func load<T>(resource: Resource<T>, completion: @escaping (Any) -> ()) { 			URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: resource.url) { (data, _ \_) in 					completion(data) 

We’re simply using a shared URLSession object to call the following method

URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: URL, completionHandler: (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void)

with the resource’s URL parameter and call the completion with data, this will just call the closure with whatever data it retrieves at this point.

We could now use the Webservice by creating an instance of it like —>

let sharedWS = Webservice()
sharedWS.load(resource: moviesResource) { (result) in print(result)

This should return whatever the size of the data it retrieved was, when you run it a playground, you get something like this -->

Optional(324 bytes)

Now, this means we have a service trying to communicate with the server and returning response, but the response is in binary and not useful for us.

🏁 We have now reached Milestone One.

We’ll see how to get meaningful data and parse it to native types so we can use it.


Looking at the JSON data, we figure that we need a Movie type to represent the movies, and possibly an Actor type with a name property that can hold their names.

We could model this with native types like —>

// Actor
struct Actor { let name: String
} // Movie
struct Movie { let title: String let actors: [Actor]

We now need a way to model JSON data with native types, we could use a type alias for a dictionary like —>

typealias JSONDictionary = [String: AnyObject]

We can now write an initialiser for a Movie like this —>

extension Movie { 
  init?(dictionary: JSONDictionary) { 
    	guard let title = dictionary["title"] as? String, let actors = dictionary["actors"] as? [String] else { return nil } self.title = title self.actors = actors.flatMap(Actor.init) 

What’s happening here is pretty straightforward —>

The guard statement pulls out our fields title and actors from the dictionary, which is of type JSONDictionary and assigns it to the respective properties. We also flatMap the actors string and pass each string to the Actor’s init to instantiate actor objects within the Movie.

Now that we have a way to create Movie objects, let’s rewrite our moviesResource to return them —>

let moviesResource = Resource<[Movie]>(url: url) { data in 
  let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) 
    guard let dictionaries = json as? [JSONDictionary] else { return nil } 
    return dictionaries.flatMap(Movie.init)

We do the following here:

  • Instantiate moviesResource as a Resource that returns array of Movie objects
  • Use JSONSerialization class to convert our data (Data) object into json JSON
  • Typecast json into an array of JSONDictioanry objects
  • flatMap over the dictionaries array to instantiate a Movie with each block of json

We now have a process setup that can parse the data into our required objects, but we still haven’t updated our load method to make use of the parse method that we’ve modified above.

This can look like —>

final class Webservice { 
  func load<T>(resource: Resource<T>, completion: @escaping (Any) -> ()) { 			URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: resource.url) { (data, \_, \_) in 					completion(data.flatMap(resource.parse)) 

We modify our load method for a resource type T inside which we simply try to flatMap over the stream of data that gets loaded as Data, thanks to URSession, and pass the resource’s parse method to it so the parse functionality we’ve written is useful, and send it to the completion handler.

Now, let’s see what data we’re able to load with our web service —>

sharedWS.load(resource: moviesResource) { (result) in print(result)

If you run this in a playground, you should see something like this —>

Optional( [__lldb_expr_55.Movie( title: "Pulp Fiction", actors: [__lldb_expr_55.Actor(name: "Samuel L Jackson"), __lldb_expr_55.Actor(name: "John Travolta")]),__lldb_expr_55.Movie(title: "Ocean\'s Eleven", actors: [__lldb_expr_55.Actor(name: "George Clooney"),__lldb_expr_55.Actor(name: "Brad Pitt"), __lldb_expr_55.Actor(name: "Matt Damon")]),__lldb_expr_55.Movie(title: "Goodfellas", actors: [__lldb_expr_55.Actor(name: "Robert Di Niro")]),__lldb_expr_55.Movie(title: "I Am Sam", actors: [__lldb_expr_55.Actor(name: "Sean Penn")]) ])

Which means good news. You’re now able to get native objects from the json now.

We could refactor the load method to give us something nicer —>

sharedWS.load(resource: moviesResource) { (result) in 
  guard let movies = result as? [Movie] else { return } 
    for movie in movies { 
    	print("\nMovie: \(movie.title)") 
        for actor in movie.actors { 
        	print("Actor: \(") 

You’ll see this prettified output —>

Movie: Pulp Fiction 
Actor: Samuel L Jackson 
Actor: John Travolta 

Movie: Ocean's Eleven 
Actor: George Clooney 
Actor: Brad Pitt Actor: Matt Damon 

Movie: Goodfellas 
Actor: Robert Di Niro 

Movie: I Am Sam 
Actor: Sean Penn

🏁 We have now reached Milestone Two.


Now that we’ve seen how to get to what we need, we could get to cleaning up the code a bit, and refactoring it to make it much nicer.

We could start by moving our moviesResource into the Movie struct to make it more concise using an all property —>

struct Movie { 
  let title: String 
    let actors: [Actor] static 
    let all = Resource<[Movie]>(url: url) { data in let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) 
    guard let dictionaries = json as? [JSONDictionary] else { return nil } 
    return dictionaries.flatMap(Movie.init) }

We could also simplify this further by abstracting away the JSON decoding part to the Resource type by creating an extension —>

extension Resource { 
  init(url: URL, parseJSON: @escaping (Any) -> A?) { 
    	self.url = url self.parse = { data in 
        let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) 
        return json.flatMap(parseJSON) 

Here, we convert data object into JSON and flatMap over it to recursively parse the closure to parse the json data, now our Resource could become simpler —>

struct Movie { 
  let title: String 
    let actors: [Actor] 
    static let all = Resource<[Movie]>(url: url) { json in 
    guard let dictionaries = json as? [JSONDictionary] else { return nil } 
    return dictionaries.flatMap(Movie.init) }

🏁 We have now reached our final milestone, Milestone Three.

Now, we have code that’s cleaner, concise and keeps concerns separate. This pattern can be followed with whatever Resource that you want to work with.

You can download the files we worked with incase you want to try it our yourself:

So, that was about how to write a Networking layer without any third-party libraries. Feel free to leave any feedback or questions!

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