Codementor Events

Configure key binds in Zsh environment

Published Mar 01, 2023
Configure key binds in Zsh environment

Case #1:
Issues with the up/down arrow key navigation through zsh_history.
If I hit the left arrow key while tabbing, scrolling through history will stop until I Ctrl+C in the terminal and start fresh.


To fix the keybinding conflict, you can try adding the following line to your ~/.zshrc file:


This will disable the key timeout feature in ZSH, which is responsible for the behavior you're experiencing when you hit the left arrow key while scrolling through history. The key timeout feature causes ZSH to wait a certain amount of time for another key to be pressed before interpreting the first key as a standalone command, which can lead to conflicts with certain keybindings.
After adding this line to your ~/.zshrc file, be sure to source the file by running source ~/.zshrc or opening a new terminal window to apply the changes.
If this doesn't solve the issue, you can try remapping the left arrow key to a different function or disabling it altogether by adding a custom function to your ~/.zshrc file. Here's an example function that disables the left arrow key:

function disable_left_arrow() {
  # do nothing when left arrow key is pressed
zle -N disable_left_arrow
bindkey "^[[D" disable_left_arrow

This function defines a custom ZLE (Zsh Line Editor) widget named disable_left_arrow, which does nothing when the left arrow key (^[[D) is pressed. The zle -N command creates a new ZLE widget with the specified name, and the bindkey command maps the left arrow key to the disable_left_arrow widget.
After adding this function to your ~/.zshrc file, be sure to source the file by running source ~/.zshrc or opening a new terminal window to apply the changes.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions or issues.

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