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What is Compiler?

Published Jun 24, 2022
What is Compiler?

A compiler is a software tool that converts human-written computer code into machine code. It does so by performing several tasks such as error detection and prevention, flow control, syntax analysis, type checking, and optimization. If you are like most developers, you have probably written some code at some point in your career. Perhaps you wrote the code example program in school or maybe you are an entry-level developer who just got hired and has to learn how to write software. Regardless of what level of development you’ve been involved with previously, writing high-quality software requires understanding different languages and techniques.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the various types of compilers available today. We’ll also discuss why using a compiler is beneficial when developing software, including its pros and cons as well as examples from the real world.

What is a Compiler?

A compiler is a program that translates source code into machine code. This program is then used to generate machine code that can be used to run the program. A compiler can be used to translate source code written in many different programming languages, including C, C++, and Java.
The main purpose of a compiler is to ensure that the source code is well-formed and that the program is easy to understand. A compiler also helps to ensure that the generated machine code is correct and optimized for the hardware being used. A compiler can be used for many different purposes, including error detection and optimization. For example, a compiler can be used to detect bugs in the source code and to optimize the generated machine code for performance or efficiency.

Types of Compiler:

Compilers can be classified into several categories:

Cross compiler: Cross compiler is a technology that allows a developer to compile and run his code on multiple platforms. This can be useful when you are working on multiple versions of your code and want to ensure that all the platforms you are targeting are supported. It is also useful when you are working on a new platform and want to ensure that your code works on the new platform.

Source-to-source compiler: Source-to-source compiler is a software tool that translates source code into executable code. The tool is useful for translating source code written in different programming languages. The translation process is usually performed by a compiler, which translates source code into a specific type of machine code. The generated machine code is then executed by the target machine. The translation process can be done manually or automatically. The software tool can be used to translate source code written in different programming languages, such as C++, Java, and C#.

Just-in-time (JIT) compiler: Just-in-time compiler (JIT) is a compiler that is designed to compile programs as they are executed. This makes the compiler much faster than a traditional compiler that has to compile the program from scratch every time it is run. The main advantage of JIT compiler is that it allows you to reduce the size of your program by eliminating redundant code. This means that your program will be smaller and more efficient. Another advantage of JIT compiler is that it can optimize your program for different platforms. For example, if you are developing a mobile app, you can use JIT compiler to optimize the code for different devices. JIT compiler also has many other benefits such as reduced memory usage, improved performance, and increased reliability.

Bytecode compilers: A bytecode compiler is a software tool that translates a high-level language (such as Java) into machine code. The resulting code is then compiled into machine code, which can be executed on a target machine. The main advantage of bytecode compilers is that they allow developers to write code in a high-level language and then compile it down to machine code. This allows developers to write code that is more concise and easier to understand. The main disadvantage of bytecode compilers is that they have to be written in a high-level language. This means that they are not suitable for developing low-level code. Bytecode compilers are most commonly used when developing mobile apps.

Hardware compilers: Hardware compilers are software tools that compile source code into machine code. They are used to transform source code into machine code, which is then executed by a computer. They are used in a wide variety of applications, including computer games, embedded systems, and operating systems. The most common type of hardware compiler is the assembler. It converts source code into machine code, which is then executed by the computer. The assembler is usually written in a high-level language (such as C or C++), and it is used to assemble programs that are written in low-level languages (such as assembly language). Other types of hardware compilers include the linker, which translates source code into machine code; and the loader, which translates machine code into source code. The linker and the loader are used to create dynamic linkers, which allow programs to be linked together. Hardware compilers are often used to translate source code into machine code. This translation process is called compilation. Compilation converts source code into machine code, which is then executed by the computer. The compiler is usually written in a high-level language (such as C or C++), and it is used to compile programs that are written in low-level languages (such as assembly language).

Binary compiler: A binary compiler is a software tool that translates a source code file into binary format. The binary format is used to store the information of the program in a compact form that can be easily read and understood by a computer. The binary format is also known as machine code, assembly code, or machine language. It is a low-level programming language that is used to control the machine’s hardware and software. Binary compilers are used in many different situations, including for web development, database administration, and network programming.

How Does a Compiler Work?

Compilers employ different approaches to converting code to output, despite their differences. They typically follow these steps:

  1. Lexical analysis is the process of tokenizing the code in order to make it syntactical and semantic.
  2. During syntax analysis, the compiler generates abstract syntax trees that depict logical structures of specific code elements. These trees are known as syntax trees.
  3. Verification of code logic's semantic correctness relies on a semantic analysis. For example, a variable's type or definition may be checked to ensure that they have been allocated the correct types or been defined correctly.
  4. The intermediate code generated after the code passes through all three analysis phases is known as the IR code. It is easier to convert the code into another format using the IR code rather than a fresh code. However, it has to be accurate in every way, including omission of any functionality.
  5. Optimization is performed in preparation for the final code generation on compiler-optimized IR code in order to save processor time. Some compilers allow for degree-of-optimization settings.
  6. Code is produced by the compiler using the optimized IR code.

Applications of Compiler:

  1. Designing compilers helps implement High-Level Programming Languages fully.
  2. To improve parallel computer architecture, support optimization.
  3. Designing new memory hierarchies of machines.
  4. It's been used to translate programs.
  5. Other Software Productivity Tools must be used in addition to the Software.

How Compiler differ from Interpreter?

  1. A program compiler searches for errors of the program at once. When an error is detected, the program is stoped. An interpreter checks each line of code individually.
  2. A high-level program statement is encoded using an interpreter or a compiler into machine code. In contrast, an interpreter converts the high-level program into machine code while a compiler converts the code before the program is run.
  3. Compilers convert programming languages into machine code as the program runs, rather than the interpreted languages. On the other hand, interpreters convert each statement individually into machine code as the program runs.
  4. Code that is compiled runs faster than code that is interpreted.
    5.The compiler is based on translation linking-loading methodology, while the interpreter is based on the interpretation method.
    Read more about difference between compiler and interpreter on Interviewbit.


A compiler is a program that translates source code into machine code. A compiler can be used to transform source code into a format that is easier to understand and to optimize. The most common use of a compiler is to translate source code written in a programming language like C or Java into machine code that is understood by the computer’s processor. When the compiler converts source code into machine code, it also produces bytecode, which is the machine code that the computer uses to interpret the source code. Compilers can also be used to optimize the source code by removing unnecessary or redundant instructions.

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Jibril Mohammed Feko
a year ago

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