MVI Design Pattern
The Model View Intent pattern applied to much of modern reactive design, it is a super set of several multimodal design patterns, much better than the MVC patterns of the earlier era, and better than MVP and MVVM.
Reactive++ is a pattern I introduced that goes beyond Rx, in Rx data is generalized as data streams, iterable with patterns.
{Citation: Dr Bheemaiah, Anil Kumar. (2020). A Bag of Wiki Stories, Attribute Oriented Programming with XDoclet, Rx ++ and GS collections.. 10.35543/ }
Operators lead directly to provability, in Rx++ Operators are generalized to mathematical operators and formal definitions. Since, for example, in the examples in the publication above, a bag of words can be mapped formally to a set definition, and can be converted to a Rx and Rx++ definition by set equivalance, in a TLA+ specification, thus Rx++ leads to a formal provable definition of a reactive design, in a spectrum to provable computing, providing a framework for provable machine learning.
All reactive design is amenable in multimodal interactions to the MVI pattern.
We present an example of a Bag of Wiki stories with Boyau++ using XDoclet.
WS1 = " /*Story of a cat named Monitor Tabby and a Capybarra named Capybarra,
*Tabby says, we need to integrated APIs with Bayou++, as a search API with cloud *architecture, micro + cloud?
*Capybarra says, like this XDoclet2 metadata
- @jdo:identity-type application
- @jdo:objectid-class TestDoclet$$Id
- @jdo:requires-extent false
- @jdo:extension vendor-name="kodo" key="table"
- @ejb.bean
- name="CodeGeneratorService"
- jndi-name="CodeGenerator"
- type="Stateful"
- @ejb.resource-ref
- res-ref-name="jdbc/CodeSource"
- res-type="javax.sql.Datasource"
- res-auth="Container"
- @weblogic.resource-description
- res-ref-name="jdbc/CodeSource"
- jndi-name="CodeDS"
- @author Anil Dr Bheemaiah
*Monitor Tabby says, great, we have defined a jdbc data source and a stateful *EJB, so we populate the database for model driven development? Just add a Boyou *like API search for a query and a cloud function template with a find and replace *function with key value pairs for each parameter?
*Capybarra adds, that it is that simple, to be continued in the next story!