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Functional programming and NLP wins.

Published Jun 07, 2019Last updated Mar 08, 2022
Functional programming and NLP wins.

While server-less computing has emerged as the service of choice, we have increased migration to the cloud, functional languages and NLP have emerged a sure victor, a trend that is to increase in computing volumes , with a gradual death of the thick networked paradigm.
When I got my first Amazon Echo, I was impressed with the cloud resident nature of the application, leading to synchronicity ith the minimum latency and almost seamless scaling. The Echo device does not turn obsolete as fast as any other computing, because the cloud evolves in hardware and software, saving on administration and up-gradation costs. What is missing from the echo is a FaaS shell, and one's discomfort with speaking 'code'. It is still not possible yet to write code with an Echo, even if it is writing new intents and actions in the form of functions like Lambdas.
Kotlin compiles to java-script and java and is a functional language , popularized by Google, between cloud functions, conversational UI and Kotlin, functional languages and programming is back, successful with NLP based conversational UI.

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