I am a full-stack engineer with over six years of experience who has worked with different technical teams and also led a team before. I have worked extensively with Javascript (PREN stack precisely), Python, Elixir and a bit of DevOps
My first experience as an engineer was at Andela where I was a full-stack engineer in a team that built an in-house product that was used by the company to keep track of her assets and hot desk allocation.
From there, I moved to PodRoom as a frontend engineer (React-Native & React) where I worked with a team on an application that allows users listen to podcast and also chat on episodes of Podcast.
Then I moved to Idealab where I worked as a full-stack engineer & a team lead with a team that built a product that makes processes involved in insurance seamless. I was part of the team that bootstrapped this project.
I am currently a frontend engineer at Automedsys, an application used in hospitals to keep track of patient records and diagnosis.