Reasons why I'm a great programmer:
I have public code samples that can prove it (later in this description)
I have a critical mindset and can identify the various potential edgecases for a given problem
I took Python and JavaScript and extensively explored their features one by one, obsessing over the various scenarios they can be used in (as seen: https://github.com/AndreiHondrari/python_exploration/tree/master/bare_python)
I can single-handedly implement and deploy projects
I have 4k+ score on StackOverflow, with 175 answers, mostly oriented around Python and Django. Additionally I've obtained the python bronze badge and I want to obtain the gold one
I've been a tech lead and a mentor
I'm obsessed with elegant solutions, good code structure, code documentation and testing, but I will of course focus on results if the situation demands it
I've experimented with technology on a variety of domains: embedded, front-end, back-end, databases, low-level byte operations, electronics, digital logic. ecommerce, automation, devops, continuous integration, image processing, indexing, optimisation, time-complexity, etc.
I understand how to approach requirements and translate them into solutions
I want to continuously improve and optimize my work performance
I was put into situations that were time-critical and I've managed to restabilise the project
Remarkable code samples:
Data processing
graph representation - https://stackoverflow.com/a/55517614/858565
detection of anomalous values within a signal, hence a series of values -
binary/byte low level operations -
large text processing - https://stackoverflow.com/a/53795333/858565
multiprocessing of large datasets - https://stackoverflow.com/a/53897491/858565
search algorithm within time-complexity bounds -
acronym pattern detection -
Code structure
advanced class definitions -
argument parsing - https://stackoverflow.com/a/53803184/858565
code enhancements - https://stackoverflow.com/a/55421630/858565
game OOP and functionality - https://stackoverflow.com/a/55544019/858565
chat server -
echo server - https://github.com/AndreiHondrari/python_exploration/blob/master/networking/s1.py
combinatorics - https://stackoverflow.com/a/53908206/858565
project euler samples -