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The one model to truly develop your ideas

Published Oct 29, 2019
The one model to truly develop your ideas

Hi there,

Did you know that each of us will have at least 33 successful ideas over our lifetime?.

Ideas that can change our life definitely and for the better.

That's how Google and Facebook were born!

How to design your ideas into software

I know that as a passionate developer, you work constantly on improving your web applications and sharpening your skills.

Learning the concept behind a new function in your favourite programming language can be truly satisfying at a time.

It is also true that all the code your write was born from an idea, the success of the application depends on how well designed is the process to develop that idea to reality.

This is true for startups and for multi-billion-dollar businesses in Wall Street.

Develop your ideas

How can you be sure that you are developing your ideas in the best way possible?

You see, we all get excited when it is time to act.

The reality is that we must block some of that time to plan, and plan effectively is not an easy task.

We can spend months on a certain part of our application to find out that it is not going to be scalable and it creates errors in another part of our code.

How diagrams are saving our world

The good news is that there are standards, developed by very smart people that are allowing us to write better applications and is an easy way.

We do this by leveraging UML.

A set of rules that let us transform our ideas in clear diagrams easy to design and most importantly easy to understand,

UML diagrams are used to describe how applications work but also describe design patterns and actors' flow.

If you want to skill up your understanding of how to create reliable applications and how to use design patterns you MUST learn how to read and write UML diagrams.

You can do it now with a simple case study as a tutorial.


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