I am a versatile fullstack software engineer and a tech evangelist. I hold a bachelor of technology’s degree in geology with about 4 years experience building incredible software products for globally distributed teams. designing and developing solutions and implementing them to solve complex technical problems.
I love an exciting, fast paced, challenging and agile working environment and projects. Tasks that keep me up to date and make me push the boundaries of my knowledge.
I know that I don’t know it all and I’m constantly in pursuit of knowledge, not just to update myself but to improve the quality of the team I work with and better the lives of people around me. #IKeepLearning
I enjoy setting up opportunities for learning. Co-founded the Freecodecamp Ilorin Group, served as mentor in various djangogirls events, teencode, forloop, freecodecamp study groups, engineOne and other meetups. I also write technical and non-technical articles alike.
I am enthusiastic about developing practical business solutions using my skill sets. I am constantly in pursuit of knowledge and challenging opportunities, not just to positively impact my growth, but to improve the quality of the teams I work with and better the lives of people around me.
When I am not writing code or participating in online coding / algorithm challenges/games, I like to engage in some sporting activities. I do a martial art-taekwondo for self defense and sometimes I can be found playing soccer or video games.