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First play with bipolar stepper motor and easy driver

Published Feb 23, 2019Last updated Aug 21, 2019
First play with bipolar stepper motor and easy driver

This is a gentle introduction to one of the coolest things in modern hardware - stepper motors. Printers, 3D printers, robotic arms, CNC machines - all it's based on stepper motors. And you can play around with it and make something cool by yourself!

During my experiments I used 17HS2408 Nema.

The main advantage of stepper motor is precision. Just imagine:

Step Angle: 0.9Ā°

Alright, let's get to job.

Here is the connection schema.

easy driver_bb.jpg


In all tutorials over the internet you will see a different connection of stepper motor. I spent 1 DAY to figure out that it was the reason of my problems.
There are 2 options: guys who created it are too lazy to draw proper scheme or I have a different motor. In any case, use the image above first.
Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 11.50.40.png


It doesn't really matter which power source you will use. Mostly it will affect maximum speed. More voltage, higher RPM. But for a simple test, you can use anything you have. I used source made up from 3 x 3.7V batteries.


The code itself is stupidly simple. Pin 8 - specify direction. Pin 9 - specify step. You can play around with interval and see what will happen.

void setup() {                
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(9, LOW); 

Alright, cool!
I hope you got it working. In the next posts, I will describe the purpose of all other PINS of easy driver.

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