Dashboard of my ideas
Hello, my name is Alex. And 6 months ago I created my personal dashboard of ideas.
Alright, so we living in the age of machine learning. And converting voice into text is not a problem anymore. However I was not able to find any good application or service or anything else which provided me quick creation of those notes and easy analysis. All of them will require some click, links, wait time etc. I mean none of them give you a feeling of Tony Star workshop, ha.
So I created a true pipe for my ideas and thoughts.
How it’s working
Simple. I just created personal telegram bot.
It receives all my text, audio and video notes. Then it convert audio and video into real text and save to my personal database. It’s all done with Google Cloud voice-to-text API.
Why it’s astonishing ?!
You basically don’t have to wait. You can make audio notes from your Apple watch, because Telegram has cool application for that.
About the same thing with iPhone app. I just open up my telegram bot and start to say what I’m thinking.
I created it 6 months ago and still using it every day.
During this time I added more than 600 audio notes and more than 500 video notes.
Try to imagine your self as a big internet. I mean your thoughts, your ideas. It’s all could be stored as a data. Like a regular text. The problem is how easily we can convert our ideas into text.
Imagine yourself like a Tony Stark who just works in his workshop. And in the film it’s doesn’t look like a struggle or a hard works. It looks like a game, some curios thing.
It will take some time to get to this level. But now we have fancy AirPods which makes our hands free and we can say what we think on a move.
Cool Features
Markers. One of the biggest problems of notes apps is to sort notes. You have to click to select some tags. It’s still taking some some. I my system it’s done automagically. You just say keyword in the beginning of the note and it getting stored in specified section. The compare first word with a list of tags. If it haven’t found any matches, note just store in “All” category.
Terms section. Right now I’m into machine learning learning
So I created a little thing to help me. Every time I met unknown term, I select it a click special context commands. After that it getting stored in my database.
And at the end of the day I can just browse all of them. Which is not something supernatural. But still helps you to learn faster.
- Access to the mongo database with R or Python. I guess it’s the greatest thing, because it provides unlimited possibilities for analysis. You can convert your texts in to huge data-frame and start working on it. About a month ago I played around with NLTK in R. So I just learning to to clean the text and created a word cloud from all texts from video — notes. And it looks like this.
The funny thing is those 2 most frequent words . — Simple, Do. It’s kind of referencing to Nike slogan “Just do it”. But in my case it’s been retrieved from 500 texts. Looks quite philosophical. Let me know what you think about it .
- Google Docs intergration.
That’s incredible.I mean . I can create texts from my voice. Google API’s are not perfect and don’t recognise 100% of the text. But still it saves me tons of time. Even drafts for this very post has been created with my Bot. I was just sitting on my chair and pronounced all I had in my mind. And then just compiled ready text in 30 min. That’s amazing. I mean like almost zero friction.
Wanna build things like this?
Check out my JavaScript course. It's not about technical things,
it's more about organization and psychology.
Want to get dashboard like this for yourself ?
Just contact me hey@alex-polymath.com or on Code-mentor
I’m sure this kind of awesome thing will be interesting for you too.
I was considering making public service for that. But right now I’m still testing this platform to make it more polished. To be specific I’ve almost no analytics over the data. I mean the only way you can do that is using programming languages or just browsing the data yourself. And the second thing is that it contains huge amount of personal information which needs to be secured properly like a bank account. I mean super personal, super sensitive. Because it’s kind of thing which helps me to looks at myself under perspective. And I keep it all under 7 lockers.
If you want this system, I can deploy all the code on your server and your google account and telegram bot registered under your user. And I’m ready to make it for 499$.
Nice, Alex.
Can the app pull in the original audio/video recording from Telegram to the dashboard? This would be immensely helpful as the transcription will be incorrect in many cases. Great job and great idea btw.
Actually, that’s how it’s working right now.
Every audio and video recording is downloaded from telegram and stored in my private cloud bucket.
But is it in the dashboard alongside the transcribed note? I’m certainly interested in Telegram automation. One of my companies uses Telegram heavily.
Well, right now it’s not. In video notes it’s only video.
And inside audio notes it’s only transcribed text, which I can modify.
But in terms of data I have access to source files.