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Exploring Dependency Injection in Go

Published Mar 20, 2018Last updated Sep 16, 2018


There is a lot of material available about the pros and cons of Dependency Injection. This post is less about the pattern itself and more about its implementation design and it’s side-effects w.r.t Go.

Let’s setup a context for Go users :

As a clean programming practice, the theory of dependency injection is quite simple across several languages:

A dependency is passed to an object as an argument rather than the object creating or finding it.

It plainly means that the dependencies of an object are passed to it as it’s initial state.
This is in contrast with using globals as dependencies wherein the same global resource is shared across multiple objects. It also means the object doesn’t self-initialize its dependencies.

// Using a global dependency in PostService var userService user.Service func Init() { userService = user.NewService()
} func GetComments() []Comment { var comments []Comment comments = append(comments, userService.GetComments()) return comments

Instead PostService could explicitly depend on the user.Service resource. While initializing the PostService object, we would be injecting it’s dependencies.

// Using dependency injection type PostService struct { UserService user.Service
} func (p *PostService) GetComments() []Comment { var comments []Comment comments = append(comments, p.UserService.GetComments()) return comments
} func main(){ postService := &PostService{UserService:user.NewService() ...

Designing for Dependency Injection


  1. No Global State: No package level variables, no package level func init. Refer: theory of modern go
  2. Support Multi-Mode Services: Configure a service to enable/disable capabilities.
  3. Better Testability: Easy testing/mocking.
  4. Better Refractor-ability: Design for code refractors.
  5. Better Readability: Explicit and readable dependency graph.

First, let’s look at a more involved example :

func main(){ asClient := aerospike.NewClient(...) kafkaProducer := sarama.NewAsyncProducer(...) authService := auth.Service{ Key: "xxx", Host: "jjj" } ... // more services userService := user.Service{ AsClient : asClient, KafkaProducer: kafkaProducer, AuthService: authService ... // more dependencies } authService2 := auth.Service { Key: "yyy", Host: "kkk" } userServiceLimitedAccess := user.Service{ AsClient : asClient, KafkaProducer: kafkaProducer, AuthService: authService2 ... // less dependencies } }

Though the concept of DI itself is simple, it takes a bit of premeditated design to avoid a convoluted injection code.

In the above example, where user.Service has multiple modes, the struct user.Service{...} initialization does not make clear what dependents where required to make that happen.

One can imagine this initialization pattern to get even more messy with changing requirements. Service usability and behavior could change based on:

  1. The service has multiple modes or capabilities. e.g: limitedaccess, maintenance , readonly etc.
  2. The service has a commonly used default mode.
  3. The service adds/removes dependencies over time(i.e capabilities).

The following conventions could be adopted to leverage the power of DI while side-stepping a few of it’s pitfalls:

1. Use interfaces

To support multi-mode services(with a general default mode), declaring interfaces is the way to go. Declaring interfaces allows us to have multiple implementations of the same service. When used as a dependency, clients don’t need to change the contract when a different mode of the service is passed.This is also regularly useful for testing .

type AppHandler struct { UserService user.Service // ... more services.

Here, AppHandler will accept any service(mode) which satisfies the user.Service interface. We will see how it’s done, further ahead.

2. Prefer construction over initialization

In the previous example, we used struct initializers to inject dependencies. While this is good enough for a few dependencies, it gets hard to manage them once the service starts adding new capabilities. It also reduces readability and requires prior implicit knowledge of the dependencies of a service.

Moreover, initializing a service using user.Service{} limits our ability to enable/disable and extend service capabilities. I would recommend constructor functions over struct initializers to eliminate these problems. Let’s see.

Possible approaches to construct a service object using functions:

  1. New. e.g: NewReadOnlyService(...), NewPrivilegedService(...)
  2. Config : type Config struct{}.... NewService(c *Config). NewService(nil) nil would mean a default Config
  3. Variadic Config. NewService(c ...Config).
  4. Functional Options: NewService(options ...func(Service)

The above ideas have been sourced from the excellent post by Dave Cheney. Would highly recommend a nice, slow read: Actually I will be right here, while you do that.

The functional options pattern is reasonable enough. But still doesn’t scale if you have a large number of dependencies and multiple modes. Consider the following:

// using the functional option pattern
myUserService := user.NewService( msession *mgo.Session, ..., // more default dependencies user.PrivilegedMode(redisPool *redis.Pool), ..., // more modes ) // or myUserService := user.NewService( user.DefaultMode(msession,...,),// more default dependencies user.PrivilegedMode(redisPool), ..., // more modes )

We end up with a situation where again, there are many  arguments passed into the New function. Also it doesn’t make a lot of sense to have to declare default behavior as a mode.

Ideally, for a service we would want a default behavior which we can override to create a new mode.

Functional Config Options

So, instead we use a combo of functional options and Config patterns to get around this complexity.

// NewService configures the service
func NewService(defaultConfig Config, configOptions ...func(*Config)) Service { for _, option := range configOptions { option(&defaultConfig) } return &service{c: &defaultConfig}

Note that we didn’t pass *Config as defaultConfig as we wouldn’t want the caller to hold the reference to it. Additional attributes/overrides to the defaultConfig is done via configOptions.

The following snippets of code condenses the ideas we have talked about:

// user/user.go
package user import ( "fmt" "" mgo ""
) // Service interface
type Service interface {
// invoked from a http request and returns the role of the user. HandleGetRoleRequest(uid string) string HandleGetAccessKey(uid string) (string, error)
} // Config for the service type Config struct { RedisPool *redis.Pool Msession *mgo.Session
} // configurable service which implements the Service interface
type service struct { c *Config
} func (s *service) HandleGetRoleRequest(uid string) string { return getRole(s.c.Msession.Copy(), uid)
} func (s *service) HandleGetAccessKey(uid string) (string, error) { if s.c.RedisPool == nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("redis pool is not initalized") } return getAccessKey(s.c.RedisPool.Get(), uid) } // NewService configures the service
func NewService(defaultConfig Config, configOptions ...func(*Config)) Service { for _, option := range configOptions { option(&defaultConfig) } return &service{c: &defaultConfig}
} func PrivilegedMode(RedisPool *redis.Pool) func(*Config) { return func(c *Config) { c.RedisPool = RedisPool }
} func getRole(session *mgo.Session, uid string) string { defer session.Close() // fetch role return "admin"
} func getAccessKey(conn redis.Conn, uid string) (string, error) { defer conn.Close() //fetch accesskey return "xyz123", nil
package main import ( "" "" ""
) type AppHandler struct { UserService user.Service // ... more services.
} func main() { msession := &mgo.Session{} //dummy defaultConfig := &user.Config{Msession: msession} redisPool := &redis.Pool{} //dummy myUserService := user.NewService(defaultConfig) // override default behavior myPrivilegedUserService := user.NewService(defaultConfig, user.PrivilegedMode(redisPool)) appHandler := &AppHandler{UserService: myUserService} appHandler2 := &AppHandler{UserService: myPrivilegedUserService} // If necessary implement functional config options for AppHandler too // ... // register appHandler to the http server. }


Easier testing/mocking is a benefit which just falls out of implementing the dependency injection pattern.

Since we already have a Service interface, writing a mock implementation is a no-brainer. Our test code would now look something like this.

package mock import "" // configurable service which implements the Service interface
type service struct { c *user.Config
} // NewService configures the service
func NewService(defaultConfig user.Config, configOptions ...func(*user.Config)) user.Service { for _, option := range configOptions { option(&defaultConfig) }
return &service{c: &defaultConfig}
// main_test.go package main import (
"testing" ""
) func TestService(t *testing.T) { mockService := mock.NewService(mockConfig)

Refactoring Code

A sorted out dependency graph makes splitting our code into new services trivial.

msession := &mgo.Session{} //dummy
defaultConfig := user.Config{Msession: msession}
redisPool := &redis.Pool{} //dummy
myUserService := user.NewService(defaultConfig)
appHandler := &AppHandler{UserService: myUserService}
msession := &mgo.Session{} //dummy
defaultConfig := user.Config{Msession: msession}
redisPool := &redis.Pool{} //dummy
myPrivilegedUserService := user.NewService(defaultConfig, user.PrivilegedMode(redisPool))
appHandler := &AppHandler{UserService: myPrivilegedUserService}

Dependency Graph Builders

There are various other ways to build a sensible dependency graph. Packages like facebookgo/inject, codegangsta/inject are available to help. Unfortunately, I haven’t tried them yet.


Here is a tl;dr for the reader:

Pass dependencies to a service implementation as functional config options: New(defaultConfig Config, configOptions ...func(*Config))Service. where Service is an interface.

Dependency Injection in other languages consider more factors specific to the ecosystem. It’s important to evaluate which of the patterns emanating from those factors are applicable in Go. Hopefully I have presented a strong case for a sensible dependency injection pattern in Go.

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