Techstars Launchpad
As a Mentor I coach entrepreneurs to be successful in their entrepreneurial endeavors. Presently I am Mentoring 1 startup of 2020 cohort...
As a Mentor I coach entrepreneurs to be successful in their entrepreneurial endeavors. Presently I am Mentoring 1 startup of 2020 cohort as lead mentor.
Product design
Growth hacking
Digital marketing
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Product design
Growth hacking
Digital marketing
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Independent Consultant
Business Talent Group
• Providing high quality, professional advisory services to Fortune 1000 companies, SMEs and other small and medium scale clients for var...
• Providing high quality, professional advisory services to Fortune 1000 companies, SMEs and other small and medium scale clients for various engagements and projects in the field of cloud architecture, finance, strategy, risk management, quality assurance and data analytics.
• Identifying the effectiveness of operational strategies to develop risks mitigation plans for client organizations as well as preparing risk assessment and data analysis reports for management.
• Providing solutions for improving efficiency of client organizations as well as proposing strategies to solve their core strategic issues.
• Working with teams focusing on client's projects and supervising and assisting client's engagement teams to successfully complete engagement objectives.
• Providing customized reports, performance metrics, market research and results of experiments deriving optimal solutions to management and board of client organizations.
• Improving productivity of client organizations by implementing process flow refinements and recommending software and program upgrades.
• Providing Business Valuation and Corporate Re-Structuring Advisory to under-performing businesses and business units.
• Ensuring that the policies and standards implemented by the clients are in line with global standards of quality assurance.
Project management
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Project management
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External Expert
COST Office
Founded in 1971, COST is the oldest and widest European intergovernmental framework for transnational Cooperation in Science and Technolo...
Founded in 1971, COST is the oldest and widest European intergovernmental framework for transnational Cooperation in Science and Technology. COST has been supporting networking of research activities across all 35 Member countries and beyond for more than 40 years. As a COST Expert perform following functions:
• Contribute to the evaluation of COST Open Call proposals;
• Participate in the assessment of Action results and outcomes;
• Take part in the assessment of COST strategic activities.