Hello there, I'm Achilles (that's ugh-keel-eez) but you can call me Achilles.
I build apps and products which help brands to be recognized, developers to ease their workflow and users to interact with great human-centered interface design. Ooo, and I also build scientific applications for researchers.
I'm a full stack web developer and a Machine Learning Engineer (with keen interests in building web-based applications built on top of prediction models).
A self-proclaimed Pythonistha and Pythoneer in the making. I consider software more of a craft than just a bunch of raw files. My interests lie in not just writing code, but in writing neat software with great interface design that remains flexible and scalable for everyone in the long run.
Currently, I'm a software developer with the amazing Bioinformaticians at University of Nebraska, Lincoln under 2017's Google Summer of Code. We're building a neat application (machine learning pipeline) for users to identify cancerous cells from DNA microarray samples (Current development ongoing at github.com/achillesrasquinha/candis).
I've authored simple JS to complex Python libraries. Checkout SnackJS (Android Snackbars for the web - npmjs.org/snackjs, over 1300+ installs) and bulbea (Deep Learning based Python library for Stock Market Prediction and Modelling - github.com/achillesrasquinha/bulbea, over 200+ Stars and 70+ Forks)
Python library for Kinetic User Interface. Play a real-time game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock with your machine using a simple web camera - github.com/achillesrasquinha/spockpy
A real-time OCR on your browser - github.com/achillesrasquinha/digdet
and many more at github.com/achillesrasquinha
I'm here to help you write great software, Guaranteed! Feel free to contact me at achillesrasquinha@gmail.com