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Completely serverless static website on AWS

Published Jun 24, 2020

Why serverless? The basic idea behind this is not to worry about the underlying infrastructure, the Cloud provider will expose services through several interfaces where we allocate resources and use them, and more importantly, pay only for what we use.

This approach helps to prove concepts with little or no budget, also allows to scale as the business grows on demand. All that solves the problem of over provisioning and paying for idle boxes.

One of the common scenarios is having a content website, in this case I'll focus on static website. In this series I'll explain step by step how to create all the environment from development to production on AWS.

At the end of this series we'll have created this infrastructure:

Serverless static website - part 1 - In this part you'll learn how to start with AWS and how to use Amazon S3 to host a static website, making it publicly accesible by its public endpoint url.

Serverless static website - part 2 - In this part you'll learn how to get your own domain and put it in use straight away with the static website.

Serverless static website - part 3 - In this part you'll learn how to get around the problem of having www as well as non-www domain, and how get always redirect to the www endpoint.

Serverless static website - part 4 - In this part you'll learn how to create a SSL certificate via Amazon Certificate Manager and verify the domain identity.

Serverless static website - part 5 - In this part you'll learn how to distribute the content throughout the AWS edge locations and handling SSL traffic.

Serverless static website - part 6 - In this part you'll learn how to set up a git repository using CodeCommit repository, so you can store your source files.

Serverless static website - part 7 - In this part you'll learn how to set up a simple build pipeline using a CodeBuild project.

Serverless static website - part 8 - In this part you'll learn how to automate the process of triggering the build start action when some changes are pushed to the git repository.

Serverless static website - part 9 - In this part you'll learn how the whole process can be automated by using CloudFormation templates to provision all the resources previously described manually.

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