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Flask Delicious Tutorial : Building a Library Management System Part 4 - Focus on Responses

Published Apr 16, 2020Last updated Oct 12, 2020
Flask Delicious Tutorial : Building a Library Management System Part 4 - Focus on ResponsesFlask Delicious Tutorial : Building a Library Management System Part 4 - Focus on Responses

Previous: Part 3: Routes

This post is a reference for what you need to return / flask responses. Feel free to come back again. I have configured all in this repo:


It's a post i wish i had when i started Flask.

In the repo there are different kinds of returns, let's begin by returning a string.

Returning Strings

Alt Text

Going to gives us home as configured here:

def index(): 
     return 'home'

Returning Integers

def return_int(): 
    return 1

Going to gives us:

Alt Text

as it is not possible to return integers. The whole error line says

TypeError: The view function did not return a valid response. The return type must be a string, dict, tuple, Response instance, or WSGI callable, but it was a int.

So, you know what to return.

Returning Json

In Python, dictionaries were purposely designed to imitate JSON for easy transfer of formats. We use jsonify to convert a dictionary to JSON response.

def return_json(): 
    data = { 
        'name': 'Umar', 
        'address': 'Port Louis, Mauritius', 
        'age': 15, 
        'has_pass': True } 
    return jsonify(data)

Going to gives us:

Alt Text

Note that the True returned became the JavaScript true, our integer of 15 turned into a JavaScript integer and our String became a JavaScript string though it looks the same. JSON means JavaScript Object Notation.

Returing HTML

When returning a string you actually return HTML strings.

def return_html(): 
    return '<h1>I am a BIG header enclosed in a h1 tag</h1>'

Going to gives us:

Alt Text

But of course it is not convenient to return whole files.

Let's see how to return files

Return Files

def return_file(): 
    return render_template('index.html')

Going to gives us a blank page ... Try putting some html in the index file found in the templates folder. Flask searches for files in a folder named templates by default.


def return_redirect(): 
    return redirect('/')

Going to redirects to

Redirect to function

def return_redirect_function(): 
    return redirect(url_for('return_html'))

Going to redirects to

url_for searches for the function and returns the response

Redirect in case of blueprints

Though we'll cover blueprints later on, including this one here to serve as a reference

Let's say you have a blueprint named book. You want to redirect to the function named index. You do it like this:

return redirect(url_for('book.index'))

Hope you liked this summary sheet! Stay tuned for the next part!

My mail if you did not understand something: arj.python at gmail dot com

You have anything you'd want to see in this series? Tell me below!

Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
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মোঃ সাজিব খান
4 years ago

Hi boss virtual private network developer you

Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
4 years ago

As long as it’s Python!

মোঃ সাজিব খান
4 years ago


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