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SwiftUI ContentUnavailable: A Handy Way to Handle Missing Data

Published Nov 04, 2023
SwiftUI ContentUnavailable: A Handy Way to Handle Missing Data

Full Detail Video on Youtube —

SwiftUI is a powerful and expressive framework for building user interfaces in Swift. However, it also comes with some challenges and limitations, especially when dealing with data that may not be available at the moment.

For example, you may want to display some data from a web service, a database, or a user input, but the data may not be ready yet, or it may fail to load, or it may be invalid. How do you handle these scenarios in SwiftUI?

One possible solution is to use the ContentUnavailable view, which is a built-in view that SwiftUI provides to indicate that some content is missing or unavailable1. ContentUnavailable is a generic view that can take any type of content as its placeholder, and it can also accept a retry action to reload the data.

How to use ContentUnavailable


  "Connection issue",
  systemImage: "wifi.slash",
  description: Text("Check your internet connection")

ContentUnavailableView {
  Label("Connection issue", systemImage: "wifi.slash")
} description: {
  Text("Check your internet connection")
} actions: {
  Button("Refresh") {
    //refresh code


ContentUnavailable is a handy view that SwiftUI provides to handle missing or unavailable data. It can be used with a state variable that represents the status of the data, and it can take any type of content as its placeholder. It can also accept a retry action to reload the data.

ContentUnavailable can help you create user interfaces that are consistent, customizable, and convenient, and improve the user experience and satisfaction.

I hope you enjoyed reading my article. Do you have any feedback or questions for me? 😊

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post comments2Replies
burbigo deen
a year ago

Hi, thanks for sharing it’s very interesting.

Abdul Karim
a year ago

hope it helps in your coding process ✌️✌️