Senior Consultant at the World Bank
Microsoft Excel: over a decade of experience
R & Rstudio: Tidyverse | Shiny | Data Visualization: Charts and Tables | Functional Programming | RMarkdown | Web Scrapping | Email Parsing | R & SQL | Cloud Computing | Multithreading with R | REST API with plumber or RestRserve | AWS EC2, Lambda, RDS | Linux: Ubuntu, Redhat | Docker | Github | Automated Reporting Excel, Word, PowerPoint, PDF | Automated Emails | CronJobs |
• Created and currently maintain a suite of webtools, enabling accurate performance measurement of over 200 mutual funds and hedge fun...
• Created and currently maintain a suite of webtools, enabling accurate performance measurement of over 200 mutual funds and hedge funds across the US. The tools automate the generation of GIPS-compliant reports, a critical regulatory requirement.
• Automated the primary reporting process, optimizing the code to minimize human intervention and enhance efficiency. The automated process allowed the company to scale rapidly while maintaining accuracy.
• Constructed a complex backend machine that processes millions of rows of data to compute over 40 financial performance metrics, achieving 100% accuracy. Integrated robust data cleaning and wrangling processes to ensure data integrity and accuracy.
Reporting and verification tools, automation of complex business systems.
Worked on over 50 projects in the fields of finance, d...
Reporting and verification tools, automation of complex business systems.
Worked on over 50 projects in the fields of finance, data science, pharma, sensory science, sales analytics, and other.
• Delivered premium work exclusively for Fortune 500 clients, showcasing the ability to meet rigorous standards and deliver customized...
• Delivered premium work exclusively for Fortune 500 clients, showcasing the ability to meet rigorous standards and deliver customized solutions.
• Implemented a scalable cloud infrastructure enabling efficient production-level codebase deployment and expanding client services.
• Developed complex engineering solutions, such as optimizing code for testing and production phases and improving speed by leveraging Docker container technology
• Developed and implemented R and R Shiny-based solutions to create dashboards and API solutions for clients, enabling them to access and visualize complex data in user-friendly formats.
• Launched API solutions with AWS Lambda for internal use, allowing teams to efficiently run complex models on demand.
• Created modular code and R packages to ensure the scalability of solutions, enabling efficient code reuse and extension for evolving client needs.