Ketan Bhatt

Ketan Bhatt

Rising Codementor
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Product Engineer - Intercom
Product Engineer - Intercom

I have been working with startups for the last 5 years, helping them build their core systems multiple times and shaping technology and culture there.
I attribute a lot of my learning to seeing my code and systems running in the real world for more than a year, many times doing things they weren't built to do. I believe that you lose a lot of potential learning if you don't get a chance to see your code evolve over time because that is what actually tells you if you designed/built the systems that were easy to change with requirements. How else will you know if the tradeoff you took or the assumption you made was the right one? Or if it was wrong, how did you miss it?

I have also been fortunate enough to lead teams and people, and I have learned to listen to not only technical problems but also people problems: feeling lost in your career, motivation troubles, office politics etc.

I find myself sharing and mentoring a lot of people I know personally, and seeing them succeed, with these learnings I have had working at high-growth startups. I think I can help you too :)

Dublin (+00:00)
Joined May 2016
4 years experience
I worked as an Engineering Lead at one of the top startups in India for four years. While I was there, I helped shape up the core technol...
I worked as an Engineering Lead at one of the top startups in India for four years. While I was there, I helped shape up the core technology. Python was what our stack was built on, so I have a lot of hands-on experience with Python. I also helped onboarding a lot of people in my team to Python/Django.
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4 years experience
3 years experience
1 year experience
3 years experience


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Product Engineer
I joined Intercom recently to experience how work gets done in one of the fastest-growing startups in the world. I am part of the billing...
I joined Intercom recently to experience how work gets done in one of the fastest-growing startups in the world. I am part of the billing team here, and my job is to make sure that our customers are billed correctly and reliably ;)
Ruby on Rails
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Ruby on Rails
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Engineering Lead
I joined Squad as an early member when there were only 10 people overall in the team, and I was the second engineer. When I left 4 years ...
I joined Squad as an early member when there were only 10 people overall in the team, and I was the second engineer. When I left 4 years later, the team had grown to more than 100 people and 7-8 engineers. I was responsible for building the core technology for Squad and making sure the system works reliably 24*7.
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Amazon EC2
Amazon RDS
AWS Lambda
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