Random color palette generator web app

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What you will practice

You'll practice fetching data from the API, copying data to clipboard, keyboard event listeners. You'll learn how to use an API in a web app that can be applied to real-world products (i.e. streaming services like Youtube, Netflix uses APIs to distribute content).


In today's world, design is everything. Choosing the right color palette for a product or website will help evoke different emotions you'd like your audience to experience. You'll build a full-fledged random color palette generator web app using Colormind API, which can be used for both web apps and mobile apps.


  • Set up a React App(vanilla JS or your favorite framework works too)
  • Display a random color palette when a user visits the webpage
  • Create a button for the user to generate a new color palette
  • Allow the user to click on the selected color to copy its HEX code
  • Display a notification when the selected color's HEX code has been copied

For an extra challenge

  • Allow the user to change the color palette by pressing the 'spacebar'
  • Allow the user to copy the HEX code of the entire color palette by pressing 'C'

Here is an example UI for this project but you're welcome to make any changes you'd like! 🙂


Suggested Implementation

  • This project can be implemented as a web app using any front-end stack (e.g. Vanilla JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue.js).

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