Ask questions, discuss different approaches, and share your thoughts about this project.
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This looks like a fun project to create.
Definitely will try it out. Thanks!
looks simple but can be quite challenging
This looks pretty challenging but fun. I might give it a try.
I would be interested to see a purely client-side approach to this project as well. Perhaps a progressive web app that uses web assembly to enable powerful image manipulation directly in the browser?
This accommodates those cases where a user doesn't want their pictures to leave their computer, or where a service provider doesn't want or can't afford to store their user's pictures for them.
Basically, there are privacy-related, security-related, legal, and financial reasons why I would rather make a client-side version of this project, with nothing but statically hosted files, than a cloud version where I need rent storage and risk hosting unsavory images or getting involved in copyright issues or hitting a financial wall and having to restrict my user's capability to use my service...
Of course, I don't mean to discourage anyone from attempting this project just for learning's sake, but I guess I felt I should propose an alternate project for anyone interested in these kinds of ideas.
Happy coding!
To be clear I have no idea whether such an alternative would be eligible for the CodeProjects Giveaway... Maybe someone from Codementor can chime in?
Hey Shawn, Daphne from Codementor here. A pure-client side approach solution would also qualify for the giveaway. Just make a note when submitting the solution so it's clear to other community members that it's slightly different to the original project.
Hello people, I have a solution online for close to two weeks now. Some feedback will be appreciated.
This looks interesting to do
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Suresh Atta
Build a serverless app to consolidate your email subscriptions into a single weekly summary email. This will declutter your inbox and combine the email newsletters you've subscribed to.
Taking out loans and calculating monthly EMI can be confusing and stressful. However, with the help of a mortgage calculator, anyone can easily plan their mortgages out. You will build a mortgage calculator in this project!
With performance being at the forefront of developers minds, you’ll be creating a site using JAMStack, which means your website will be super fast and will have better security, among other benefits. You’ll be using a Static Site Generator (SSG) to create a personal blog, including featured articles on the homepage, an articles page with pagination to older content, and individual blog posts, all without a database.
More coming soon...
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