Deploy your dev resume

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What you will practice

Get familiar with cloud services, application security, and networking through deploying a static website and setting it up with CDN and DNS.


In this project, you will get familiar with HTML and CSS through creating your developer resume. Next, dip your toes into cloud services, by deploying your resume as a static website, connected to a CDN, served with HTTPS and connecting your own domain name to it.

This project is inspired by Forrest Brazeal's Cloud Resume Challenge. This version is much simpler than the full challenge, but we encourage you to check out the original as well!


  • HTML & CSS
    Use HTML to write your resume and style it using CSS. It doesn't have to be fancy, as long as it is not raw HTML.

  • Deploy as a static website
    Pick a cloud service provider (e.g. AWS S3, GCP Cloud Storage, Azure Storage) to deploy your static website website.

    Your static website should served with HTTPS for security. You can choose to use AWS CloudFront, GCP Cloud CDN, or Azure CDN.

  • DNS
    Purchase a domain name and point a custom DNS domain name to your CDN. A domain names go for as little as a few dollars. DNS service providers include AWS Route 53, GCP Cloud DNS, and Azure DNS.

For an extra challenge, you can try out the original Cloud Resume Challenge.

Suggested Implementation

Pick from one of the cloud service providers to work with: AWS, GCP, or Azure. They all have the tools needed to complete the project.


Cloud Certifications: If you are interested in learning more about cloud computing, each of the cloud service providers have certifications, you can take!

Credits: This project takes inspiration from the Cloud Resume Challenge, originally posted in Forrest Brazeal's blog.

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Suggested languages and frameworks

HTML/CSSAzureGoogle Cloud Platform



Contributed by

Front-End Developer @ Codementor

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