Create a fast and secure blog using JAMStack

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Anti SocialAnti Social

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John CoolingJohn Cooling

Spent the afternoon debugging the blog.json file not working by inserting the tags into every article in the blog directory. After many hours replaying the vid and pouring over the doco i found that there are 2 blog folders in the project, one for the articles and one for the images. Once i moved blog.json from the image folder to the article folder all was good with the world. I'm gonna need a bigger monitor!

Meeloun EducationMeeloun Education

专业的英文作文修改 机构会提供持续的售后服务和修改支持。即使是最专业的代写者,也可能无法完全符合学生和教授的所有具体要求。因此,顶级代写机构通常会提供免费修改服务,直到客户满意为止。学生在收到作业后,如果发现任何需要修改的地方,可以及时联系机构,代写者会根据反馈进行相应的调整。此外,专业机构还会提供售后支持,回答学生关于作业的任何问题,确保学生在提交作业前对其内容完全了解。通过这些持续的服务和支持,专业代写机构不仅提高了客户的满意度,还有效降低了因作业问题被学校发现的风险。


Index.html has been replaced with index.njk, and a folder called "_includes" was set up within I made a base.njk file, but I'm not sure why or what caused my code to run with "npm start" while the website's content is not loading from the index.njk file or showing in the browser. On the webpage, only NaN is displayed.

Vanessa CraigeVanessa Craige

Explored the forum's academic support for students on LinkedIn. Enlightening discussions on integrating academic achievements into profiles and utilizing the platform for educational opportunities. Invaluable insights for students aiming for academic and career success.

Empire LimoEmpire Limo

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Adder AllzAdder Allz

Our mission is to offer transportation bus and van rental services that are reliable, safe, and reasonably priced.

Adder AllzAdder Allz

Werbeagentur Mödling: Innovativ, spezialisiert, gewinnbringend Website erstellen! Mit Webdesign und SEO-Wissen steigern wir effektiv deinen Online-Auftritt.

Mário BusatoMário Busato

Hello everyone. I'm new in dev and I've just start this project along with the video tutorial, but I'm facing some issues with eleventy using MacOS. When I run "npm start" on terminal, it creates the default _site folder but it doesn't creat the "public" folder as defined as the output. Also the Access URLs ain't working nor generating UI URLs.

David J. MorseDavid J. Morse

"Gasby" (React) - should read "Gatsby", with a tee :)


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