Mood logging mobile app

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What you will practice

The ability to collect and clearly display complex data is a hallmark of many real-world mobile applications. You’ll practice building a fun and engaging mood tracking app with data logging, reporting, and visualization capabilities.


You’ll create a mobile app to log the user’s mood, what they’re doing, and who they’re with at regular intervals throughout the day. The app will help users learn more about their typical and fluctuating moods.

Depending on your experience, this project may take 12 to 20 hours.


  • When users first log into the app, they can set up their normal waking hours.
  • The app will remind users to log their mood by sending 5 evenly timed push notifications during their waking hours.
  • Users can input whether they feel good, bad, or just “OK”
  • Users can enter the names of people they are with. Users can select the type of activity they’re engaging in before they enter their mood: Work, Leisure, Exercise, or more. Feel free to come up with your own drop down list!
  • Users can view a chronological log of their mood entries.

For an extra challenge:

  • Users can view charts (e.g. step chart or line chart) of their mood from previous days, weeks, and/or months.
  • Use basic data science techniques like the Chi-Square test to give users suggestions on the activities and people that boost their mood.

Suggested Implementation

This mobile app can be built using any of the following technologies:

  • For cross-platform, React Native with JavaScript is recommended.
  • For iOS, Swift is recommended.
  • For Android, Kotlin or Java is recommended.


  • If you’re using React Native, the React Native Chart Kit may be useful for displaying historical mood data to users.
  • If you’re building the app in Swift, consider using Daniel Gindi’s Charts library for data visualization.
  • Building in Android? Check out the most popular Android chart library, MPAndroidCharts.
  • Download and try some of the leading mood tracker apps for inspiration, including Mood Log (Google Play), Daylio (Google Play), and Mood Kit (App Store).

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Suggested languages and frameworks

JavaKotlinReact NativeSwift



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