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Notice: Access to this API was shut down at 11:59 pm PT on Thursday, December 12, 2019. Please is there a way to list public events
It is no longer possible to search events by location using the Evenbrite API - this was shut down in 2019 . Is there another suggested way to list the events?
very practical app
So taking React Native will cover both operating systems, right? no need to learn Dart?
you can achieve the same result by using Flutter/Dart as well, the outcome will be both iOS and Android.
The awesome set of verified mentors will provide guidance and mentoring help when you are stuck.
Suresh Atta
This app will take your current location and generate a random walking route of the specified length - measured in either distance or time.
You’ll create a mobile app with a swiping mechanism similar to dating apps like Tinder. Users can swipe left (dislike) or swipe right (like) on images downloaded from the Unsplash API. Through this project, you will learn both the programmatic approach and Storyboard approach to build mobile applications. You will also learn to achieve modularity and reusability with your code.
This app can generate, send, and receive invoices, as well as send automated follow-up reminders about overdue payments.
More coming soon...
The endocannabinoid system vcbd roll on has three components: receptors, enzymes, and endocannabinoids.