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Codementor Blog

A collection of our latest blog posts about tech & software engineering trends, startup advice, and business insights. Read in-depth guides and interviews with industry leaders and domain experts.

CI/CD, Open Source, and Other Trends in DigitalOcean’s Research May 30, 2019
CI/CD, Open Source, and Other Trends in DigitalOcean’s Research

Last chance to fill out DigitalOcean's survey for remote developers! Here are the key highlights from last year's reports.

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Pythonic Code: Best Practices to Make Your Python More Readable May 28, 2019
Pythonic Code: Best Practices to Make Your Python More Readable

The best Python code is clear and readable. What practices should you avoid and follow, and how do you deal with legacy code? Here's what you should consider.

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Recapping Google I/O 2019 In 7 Minutes May 27, 2019
Recapping Google I/O 2019 In 7 Minutes

What is it really like inside the world's most popular developer conference? Codementor Bapusaheb Patil recaps his time at Google I/O!

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Adding Geolocation to Your Web App May 16, 2019
Adding Geolocation to Your Web App

Be it for general statistical purposes or to tailor your user's website experience, it's always useful to add geolocation to your web app. Here's how.

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Machine Learning: How to Build Scalable Machine Learning Models May 07, 2019
Machine Learning: How to Build Scalable Machine Learning Models

We'll cover the common issues that you may face when scaling, what to look out for, and various solutions to prep your machine learning model for the real world.

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Machine Learning: Why Scaling Matters May 07, 2019
Machine Learning: Why Scaling Matters

We'll go in-depth about why scalability is important in machine learning, and what architectures, optimizations, and best practices you should keep in mind.

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What You Should Know About Your Computer Friend, Bash May 02, 2019
What You Should Know About Your Computer Friend, Bash

What is Bash, what can it do, and how can it make you a better programmer?

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Adding batch or bulk endpoints to your REST API Apr 25, 2019
Adding batch or bulk endpoints to your REST API

A comprehensive guide on what batch endpoints are, why they're useful, and how they can be added to existing REST APIs.

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Code Reviews: How to Effectively and Politely Critique Code Apr 23, 2019
Code Reviews: How to Effectively and Politely Critique Code

Not sure how to give a good code review? Here's what to do so that you and the person you are reviewing can both benefit from the code review process.

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Kotlin Coroutines: Let it async in Apr 16, 2019
Kotlin Coroutines: Let it async in

Use Coroutines to write asynchronous code in Kotlin without switching context.

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