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Codementor Blog

A collection of our latest blog posts about tech & software engineering trends, startup advice, and business insights. Read in-depth guides and interviews with industry leaders and domain experts.

12 Top Mock Interview Questions and Answers Aug 09, 2024
12 Top Mock Interview Questions and Answers

Check out our essential mock interview tips and questions to ensure you’re ready for your next interview.

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14 Tough Technical Interview Questions and Expert Answers May 31, 2024
14 Tough Technical Interview Questions and Expert Answers

Elevate your technical interview skills with expert answers to tough questions on coding, system design, and more. Ace your interview with confidence!

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6 Coding Trends for 2024 and Beyond Nov 27, 2023
6 Coding Trends for 2024 and Beyond

From AI integration to the rise of low-code platforms, discover 2024 trends shaping the industry. Stay ahead, adapt, and thrive in the dynamic world of coding.

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How Coding Bootcamps Support Students to Succeed in their Career Paths Jun 09, 2022
How Coding Bootcamps Support Students to Succeed in their Career Paths

Some coding bootcamps offer a job guarantee, a plan where graduates can receive a refund if they don't find a job within a specified time period.

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Codementor Events: Developer virtual events made easy and accessible Feb 14, 2022
Codementor Events: Developer virtual events made easy and accessible

Codementor Events enable all developers to grow technically and professionally via developer virtual events no matter where you are in the world.

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Hosting developer virtual events pt. 3: Event promotion and post event follow-up Jan 25, 2022
Hosting developer virtual events pt. 3: Event promotion and post event follow-up

Not sure how to promote or follow up after your dev virtual event? We'll walk you through the methods, content, and channels on event promotion and follow up.

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Building software from scratch, the user-centric approach - Codementor Events Jan 10, 2022
Building software from scratch, the user-centric approach - Codementor Events

Veerle, Head of Data Science at Analytic Health shares about how to build software from scratch from a user-centric perspective. Full transcription of the talk attached.

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Hosting virtual events for developers pt.2: Structure, slide decks, and event flow Dec 22, 2021
Hosting virtual events for developers pt.2: Structure, slide decks, and event flow

Get hands on guidance on how to structure your developer talk, create great slide decks, and host engaging developer online events.

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Hosting virtual events for developers pt.1: Audience, topic, event title, & event description Dec 15, 2021
Hosting virtual events for developers pt.1: Audience, topic, event title, & event description

Successful developer virtual events take planning. Gain insights on identifying the right audience and topic, and nailing your event title and description.

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What Is Programmer Imposter Syndrome and How To Overcome It Dec 07, 2021
What Is Programmer Imposter Syndrome and How To Overcome It

The feeling of being an imposter is not uncommon for software developers. You are not alone in this journey. Let's look into how you can get a hold of this feeling!

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