Improve Product Quality Using CI/ CD Pipeline

About the talk

Discover how implementing a CI & CD pipeline can elevate your software's quality and boost your ROI. Gain valuable insights that enable you to streamline development, minimize errors, and maximize software value. This presentation offers an in-depth exploration of each CI/CD pipeline step, unveiling the crucial executional processes required to maintain top-notch product quality. This talk is for anyone who wants to learn about CI/CD pipeline and what the core behavior it does.

This talk will cover

What is CI/CD pipeline
What/ Why each step in CI/CD pipeline are needed
What can be done at each step

Web Development

About the speaker

Balraj Singh

Senior Engineer at Meta(Facebook). For the past 6 years, I have been working as a iOS engineer. I also have written some of the blogs around FP(Functional Programming) here:

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