How to Maximize Real-world Impact of Your Work

About the talk

In this talk, I would like to focus on how engineers' work can make a bigger impact on products and businesses. You'll learn the difference between MVP and proof-of-concept, how to use the "riskiest assumption test" in product development, and how to make your collaboration with non-technical stakeholders more effective.
Let's make sure our work is making a real difference!

This talk will cover

  • How can a technical person influence the project's scope and maximize its impact
  • Steps to identify if a project is missing important information
  • Success stories
Career Growth

About the speaker

Georgii Ovsiannikov

Georgii has more than 5 years of product management experience. With a background in software engineering and working in global IT companies, they have experience working on both the technical and the business sides of product development.

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