How to Craft Your Perfect Developer Portfolio Website

About the talk

A portfolio website is a great way to showcase your projects and skills as a developer, and it can often make a big difference during job search. However, what really matters isn't simply having a portfolio website, but what you include on it. In this talk, we'll cover tips to help you craft the perfect portfolio website and avoid common mistakes.

This talk will cover

  • Benefits of a good portfolio website and what it should include
  • How to clearly showcase your skills, past projects, and future directions
  • How to add simple CTA's
  • Ways to provide value to end-users with your website
Job Search

About the speaker

Manu Arora

Manu is a Full-stack Software Engineer at Mroads who has a strong passion of building side projects (and monetizing them). He loves creating products and web apps that can impact millions of lives.

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